Examples of Tourism in a sentence
Tourism Promotion is defined as activities and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists; developing strategies to expand tourism; providing information and/or services to inform and/or recruit prospective tourists; and funding marketing of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists.
Upon request by Applicant, the County’s Tourism Development Manager may authorize changes to the budgeted line items, but may not increase the total grant award amount or decrease the amount of the grant funding that must be spent on “Out of County” marketing of the Event.
The ORGANIZATION shall use these COUNTY funds for the express purpose of Tourism Promotion of Pacific County.
The Alachua County Tourism Development Manager is authorized to provide written notice of default on behalf of the County, and if the default is not corrected within the allotted time, the County Manager is authorized to provide final termination notice on behalf of the County to the Applicant.
The COUNTY may unilaterally terminate all or part of this Contract, or reduce the Scope of Work and/or Funding without regard for “eligible” expenses being incurred and awaiting reimbursement if the Pacific County Tourism Development funds are reduced as a result of a reduction or loss of the lodging sales and use taxing authority or a substantial reduction in taxable jurisdiction or activity.