Minor use definition

Minor use means use of a plant protection product in a particular Member State on plants or plant products which are:
Minor use means the use of a pesticide on a crop, animal, or site where any of the following exist:
Minor use means a pesticide use considered to be minor in the national context of registering pesticides including, but not limited to, a use for a special local need.

Examples of Minor use in a sentence

  • Minor use permits provide a ministerial process for reviewing land use activities that are allowed in the applicable zoning district, but require administrative review in order to evaluate the compatibility of the proposed use with surrounding uses and the suitability of the use to the site.

  • There are no foreseeable compatibly issues that would result from the change in zoning and continued occupancy of the Utility Minor use.

  • A.18 News from Sustainable Use Directive (Directive 2009/128/EC).No news to discuss.A.19 Minor Uses:The Minor use coordinator informed that Finland, which has currently the presidency of the Council of the EU, has taken the initiative to discuss the long-term funding of the MUCF as AOB point in the meeting of the AGRIFISH Council the 16-17 December 2019.

  • Minor use policies in existence in 1984 and information in anticipation of reregistration needs for data were included in original part 158.

  • Experiments run on Ursa Minor use these benchmarks.Linux-build and ursa minor-build: These bench- marks consist of two phases: a copy phase, in which the source tree is tarred and copied to Ursa Minor and then untarred, and a build phase, in which the source files are compiled.

  • Conclusion: The site is developed as a Utility Minor use and supports no significant native vegetationor other environmental features.

  • F o r t h e p ur pose of t h i s sec t io n:( i) Minor use m e a n s t h e u se of: (a ) New a n i m a l d ru gs i n m i n o r a n i m a l spe- cies, o r ( b) n ew a n i m a l d ru gs i n a ny a n i m a l species fo r t h e co n t r ol of a dis- e a se t h a t (1) occ ur s i nfr eq u e n t l y o r (2) occ ur s i n li m i t ed geog r a p h ic a r e a s.( ii) Minor species m e a n s a n i m a l s o t h e r t h a n c a tt le, h o r ses, swi n e, c h ic k e n s, t ur k e y s, dogs, a n d c a t s.

  • Minor use permit applications for projects requiring an environmental impact report or subsequent environmental impact report shall be referred to the Planning Commission pursuant to this section.

  • Otherwise indicate as VS Very significant; MU Moderate Use; MI Minor use; NU No use D.4 LIFE+ Provide a summary of allocations under LIFE+ for Natura 2000 management, FundProvisionLevel of Use*LIFE+Nature and Biodiversity Summary of key Natura 2000 related measures being undertaken under fund:Key lessons learnt and obstacles encountered:Where estimates are available they should be provided.

  • Minor use permits are generally approved at the administrative level, either by county staff or a zoning administrator.

More Definitions of Minor use

Minor use means a pesticide use considered to be minor in the
Minor use means use in a Party's territory of a plant protection product on plants or plant products which are not widely grown in that Party or widely grown to meet an exceptional need for plant protection.
Minor use means the use of a pesticide on a
Minor use means use of a PPP in a particular MS on plants or plant products which are: (a) not widely grown in that MS; or (b) widely grown, to meet an exceptional plant protection need.

Related to Minor use

  • re-use means any operation by which products or components that are not waste are used again for the same purpose for which they were conceived;

  • Routine use means the disclosure of a record without the consent of the subject or subjects, for a purpose which is compatible with the purpose for which the record was collected. It includes disclosures required to be made by statute other than the public records law, Iowa Code chapter 22.

  • Seller Use means fuel used for gas compression, LPG plants and LNG plants, other gas needed by Xxxxxx'x facilities to furnish the reqUirements of Buyers, together with unaccounted for gas. This gas shall be considered Included in Priority of Service Category 1. Other vital uses of Seller, such as flame stabilization requirements, will be met as long as such uses do not jeopardize service to its firm service Buyers.

  • Office use means a building housing a commercial use.

  • Single use means products or items that are intended for one-time, one-person use and are disposed of after use on each client, including cotton swabs or balls, tissues or paper products, paper or plastic cups, gauze and sanitary coverings, razors, piercing needles, scalpel blades, stencils, ink cups, and protective gloves.

  • Home use means use in a household or its immediate environment.

  • End-use means the light, heat, cooling, refrigeration, motor drive, microwave energy, video or audio signal, computer processing, electrolytic process, or other useful work produced by equipment using electricity.

  • Station Use means the electric energy produced by the Generating Facility that is used within the Generating Facility to power the lights, motors, control systems and other electrical loads that are necessary for Operation, including transformation losses to power such equipment and other necessary loads.

  • mixed-use building means a building or structure containing a residential and non- residential use other than a home occupation;

  • Mobile home space means a parcel of land for rent which has been designed to accommodate a mobile home and provide the required sewer and utility connections.

  • Permitted Uses shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.1.2.

  • Public use means a publicly owned project or a privately owned project that is available for use by the public.

  • Construction materials means any tangible personal property that will be

  • Residential use means the use of a building or structure or portion thereof for one or more dwelling units. This also includes a dwelling unit on land that is used for an agricultural use;

  • Tube housing assembly means the tube housing with tube installed. It includes high-voltage and/or filament transformers and other appropriate elements when such are contained within the tube housing.

  • Permitted Use , in relation to a property, means the limited purposes for which the property may be used in terms of –

  • Residential child care facility means a twenty-four-hour residential facility where children live together with or are supervised by adults who are not their parents or relatives;

  • Intended Use means a building product and the use thereof, for which the building product is intended to be, or is reasonably likely to be, associated with a building.

  • Licensed Use means the Licensor’s permitted use of the Licensed Data under the PSGA Member Licence. Login Details means the unique identifiers assigned to the Licensor when it entered into the PSGA Member Licence enabling access to the On-Line Ordering Service. On-Line Ordering Service means the service accessed by entering the Licensor’s Login Details where indicated on OS’s Website. OS means Ordnance Survey Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (company registration number 09121572) whose registered address is at Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxx, XXXXXXXXXXX, XX00 0XX. OS Data means Data (including but not limited to Licensed Data) which OS owns or which OS licenses from a third party (including but not limited to the Crown).

  • Residential Uses means lands, Buildings or structures or portions thereof used, or designed or intended for use as a home or residence of one or more individuals, and shall include Single Detached Dwelling, Semi-Detached Dwelling, Multiple Dwelling, Apartment Dwelling, and the residential portion of a mixed-use Building or structure;

  • Exclusive use means the sole use by a single consignor of a conveyance for which all initial, intermediate, and final loading and unloading are carried out in accordance with the direction of the consignor or consignee. The consignor and the carrier must ensure that any loading or unloading is performed by personnel having radiological training and resources appropriate for safe handling of the consignment. The consignor must issue specific instructions, in writing, for maintenance of exclusive use shipment controls, and include them with the shipping paper information provided to the carrier by the consignor.

  • Alcohol use means the consumption of any beverage, mixture, or preparation, including any medication, containing alcohol.

  • Exclusive Use Area means a part or parts of the common property for the exclusive use by the owner or owners of one or more sections;

  • Nonconforming use means a use of land that:

  • Substitute Improvements means the substitute or additional improvements of the Issuer described in Article V hereof.

  • Mixed use means land, buildings or structures used, or designed or intended for use, for a combination of non-residential and residential uses;