Missouri definition
Examples of Missouri in a sentence
Venue for any court action shall be in Jefferson County, Missouri.
It is further agreed that the Contract shall not be valid and binding upon the County until approved by the County Counselor, as to legal form and is subject to the Ordinances, Resolutions and Orders of Jefferson County, Missouri, and State and Federal Law.
It has been accepted for inclusion in Missouri Law Review by an authorized editor of University of Missouri School of Law Scholarship Repository.
Bids submitted from a Missouri State Contract shall include a copy of the State Contract with the bid.
Pursuant to Section 290.560 RSMo, Supplier/Contractor shall employ only Missouri laborers and laborers from nonrestrictive states except that other laborers may be used when Missouri laborers or laborers from nonrestrictive states are not available, or are incapable of performing the particular type of work involved, if so certified by the contractor and approved by the County.