Examples of Mobile work in a sentence
Mobile work may consist of work such as site audits, site inspections, and investigations.
May be requested for: • Daytime closures of one (1) or more lanes on a full freeway or expressway• Mobile work, e.g.; sweeping, striping, replacing pavement markers, etc.• All other night work as deemed necessary by the supervisor.
Music Theory Online: The Online Journal of the Society for Music Theory, 7(2).
Mobile work often comes with a distance from a central organizational locus, which translates into the absence of informal mechanisms for ‘keeping in touch’ with others.
Mobile work refers to tasks performed while employees travel from one work location to another.
Mobile work is work that is characterized by routine and regular travel to conduct work in customer or other worksites as opposed to a single authorized alternative worksite.
However, in cases where the second instance court does not have the power to examine facts by itself, the issue of the intensity of the court’s review becomes essential.33 This view became critical in competition cases where an administrative body is deciding in the first instance, while an administrative court in the second instance controls the legality of the lower body’s decision.In the Menarini case, the ECtHR analyzed the Italian model of judicial review in competition cases.
Mobile work platforms must comply with the Australian Standards When the work platform is attached to an item of mobile equipment and in the raised position, the operator of the mobile equipment should not leave the operating position.Where mobile work platforms are capable of being tilted or “dumped” during operation (e.g. basket attached to IT etc.), persons should wear PFAE.
Mobile work without any presence at the university is not permitted.
Parental details: Surname: _ Forename(s): Contact telephone numbers: Mobile: work: Pupil details: Surname: _ Forename(s): Class: Date of Birth: _ Condition or illness: Doctor's details: Name: Tel.