Examples of MS4 area in a sentence
Description / Methodology The WNYSC created a short video and three public service announcements (PSAs) addressing stormwater pollution prevention efforts in the Western New York MS4 area.
The credit shall be calculated differently depending on the system to which the project drains, either the combined sewer area or MS4 area.
Field staff to be trained may include, but are not limited to, municipal maintenance staff, inspectors, and other staff whose job responsibilities regularly take them out of the office and into areas within the MS4 area.
Responsible Party Parks Department Supervisory PersonnelFor Parks within the MS4 area, the Park Manager is responsible for; following the SOPs, implementing the BMPs, completing applicable recordkeeping for these activities at County Parks, implementing corrective actions when necessary according to checklist results, and recording compliance with the BMP or corrective actions required to conform to the BMP.
Objective: The permittee shall implement an education program that includes educational goals based on stormwater issues of significance within the MS4 area.
The water quality characterization must utilize existing or new information that may describe the chemical, biological, or physical condition of the MS4 area water quality.
This includes both new development and re-development, and disturbances of less than one (1) acre of land that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale if the larger common plan will ultimately disturb one (1) or more acres of land, within the MS4 area.
Rule 13 requires the development of an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism and establishment of a construction program that controls polluted runoff from construction activities that disturb one or more acres of land in the MS4 area.
Medium and large MS4s are defined by the size of the population within the MS4 area, not including the population served by combined sewer systems.
An acceptable SWP3 shall be completed and submitted to the applicable regulated MS4 entity (for projects constructed entirely within a regulated MS4 area) prior to the t imely submittal of an NOI.