multi dwelling housing definition

multi dwelling housing means 3 or more dwellings (whether attached or detached) on one lot of land. "native fauna" means any animal-life that is indigenous to New South Wales or is known to periodically or occasionally migrate to New South Wales, whether vertebrate (including fish) or invertebrate and in any stage of biological development, but does not include humans. "native flora" means any plant-life that is indigenous to New South Wales, whether vascular or non-vascular and in any stage of biological development, and includes fungi and lichens, and marine vegetation within the meaning of Part 7A of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 . "native vegetation" has the same meaning as in the Native Vegetation Act 2003 .
multi dwelling housing means a group of two or more dwellings, not being a residential flat building, and may include cluster housing, integrated housing, terraces, townhouses, villas and the like.
multi dwelling housing means three or more dwellings (whether attached or detached) on one lot of land, each with access at ground level, but does not include a residential flat building.”The proposal has not been lodged under SEPP Seniors or ARH SEPP.Stormwater and Flooding Impacts Stormwater has always been a major concern in our area; the lane has been closed due to flooding a number of times since our home was built. Since the development behind our area that reaches up to the Heights stormwater run-off has increased as there are no longer paddocks to absorb the rainfall. Much of this land is now hard surfaced. This proposal of 21 dwellings with very little area to absorb water will add to the stormwater that is directed downhill toward our backyard and the end of Craigends Lane. The submitted documentation totally ignores the vulnerability of Barnes Creek to flooding and salinity and totally ignores the impact of stormwater on downstream capacity to cope and water quality. We residents have experienced one metre of floodwater over Craigends Lane previously and through the carpark of Longyard Homemakers. This water inundated a number of the shops and it still was required to travel under the Highway. Barnes Gully is another problem… this creek has had major flooding many time during periods of heavy rain. Has the development infrastructure with the 21 units, been designed to accommodate the demand of water, inclusive of storm, sewerage and guttering?Comment: Matters relating to the management of stormwater has been previously addressed in this report. An existing flood study does not identify the subject site to be flood liable.

More Definitions of multi dwelling housing

multi dwelling housing means 3 or more dwellings (whether attached or detached) on one lot of land, each with direct access to the dwelling and private open space at ground level, but does not include a residential flat building.” Comments: The inclusion of the word “direct” and the requirement that direct access is also required to private open space at ground level in the revised definition of “multi dwelling housing” is welcomed. However the definition is not sufficiently definitive enough to distinguish “multi dwelling housing” from other forms of “residential accommodation”. It is considered that the characteristic which distinguishes a dwelling in a “multi dwelling housing development” from a dwelling in other forms of “residential accommodation” such as a “manor house/home” or “residential flat building” is the fact that none of the dwellings contained within such developments are located above any part of another dwelling (except in some circumstances where a dwelling may be located above a communal basement car parking level).
multi dwelling housing means 3 or more dwellings (whether attached or detached) on one lot of land, where:

Related to multi dwelling housing

  • dwelling house means any residential property assessed as real

  • Residential Dwelling Any one of the following: (i) a detached one-family dwelling, (ii) a detached two- to four-family dwelling, (iii) a one-family dwelling unit in a Xxxxxx Xxx eligible condominium project, (iv) a manufactured home, or (v) a detached one-family dwelling in a planned unit development, none of which is a co-operative or mobile home.

  • Apartment Dwelling means any dwelling unit within a building containing more than four dwelling units where the units are connected by an interior corridor;

  • Residential Dwelling Unit means any portion of a building that contains living facilities, including a room or rooms in a facility that have shared cooking, bathing, toilet, or laundry facilities such as dormitories, shelters, assisted living facilities, and boarding homes. "Residential dwelling unit" also means facilities that include provisions for sleeping, cooking, bathing, and toilet facilities for one or more persons and are used for extended stays, such as time-shares and extended-stay motels. "Residential dwelling unit" does not mean a guest room in a motel or hotel.

  • Multifamily dwelling means a structure that contains more than one separate residential dwelling unit, which is used or occupied, or is intended to be used or occupied, in whole or in part, as the home or residence of one or more persons.

  • Multi-family housing means a building or structure that is designed to house two (2) or more different households in separate housing Units which have full kitchen facilities including oven/range, refrigerator, kitchen sink with hot and cold water supply and food storage facilities and at least one (1) full bathroom facility(s), one (1) full bedroom and one (1) living area (including a combination thereof such as studio arrangements).

  • Cooperative Apartment A dwelling unit in a multi-dwelling building owned or leased by a Cooperative, which unit the Mortgagor has an exclusive right to occupy pursuant to the terms of a proprietary lease or occupancy agreement.

  • Affordable housing project means, for purposes of this part, title fourteen of article twenty seven of the environmental conservation law and section twenty-one of the tax law only, a project that is developed for residential use or mixed residential use that must include affordable residential rental units and/or affordable home ownership units.

  • Affordable Housing Unit means a rental unit in an affordable housing building that rents for an amount that is affordable to households at or below 60 percent of area median income, as median income was most recently determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Minneapolis- St. Paul- Bloomington, Minnesota-Wisconsin Metropolitan Statistical Area, as adjusted for household size and number of bedrooms.

  • Multifamily housing means housing accommodations designed as a residence for more than 1 family.

  • Multi-family dwelling means a structure that contains more than one separate dwelling unit, which is used, or occupied, or intended to be used or occupied, in whole, or in part as the home or residence of one or more persons.

  • Affordable Housing Cost means an amount satisfied by:

  • Elderly Housing means housing intended for and only occupied by Elderly persons, including a family in which all members are Elderly. All household members must be Elderly (no children, and no disabled persons under the age of 62).

  • Affordable housing development means a development included in the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, and includes, but is not limited to, an inclusionary development, a municipal construction project or a 100 percent affordable development.

  • private dwelling means any part of a structure that is occupied as a residence, or any part of a structure or outdoor living area that is accessory to, and used wholly for the purposes of, a residence;

  • Residential housing or "Residence" means a single-family, owner-occupied dwelling located within the State that qualifies for financing by the Authority within the meaning of the Act, the Rules and Regulations, the Code and related regulations.

  • Affordable Housing Units – means the Affordable Housing to be provided as part of the Development in accordance with the application and/or any subsequent reserved matters approval.

  • Tube housing assembly means the tube housing with tube installed. It includes high-voltage and/or filament transformers and other appropriate elements when such are contained within the tube housing.

  • new dwelling means, for the purposes of the definition of “second authority” and paragraphs 91, 98 and 103, the dwelling to which an applicant has moved, or is about to move, in which the applicant will be resident;

  • semi-detached dwelling means a building divided vertically into two dwelling units each of which has a separate entrance and access to grade;

  • Affordable housing means housing that is available at a cost low enough to meet the needs of eligible households having regard to local incomes and local house prices and which will remain at an affordable price for future eligible households or, if not, that the subsidy is recycled for alternative affordable housing provision

  • Rental housing means development of a building or structure with four or more dwelling units all of which are intended for use as rented residential premises.

  • Multiple Dwelling means a building containing three or more dwelling units.

  • Affordable housing program(s means any mechanism in a municipal Fair Share Plan prepared or implemented to address a municipality’s fair share obligation.

  • Rooming house means any dwelling, or that part of a dwelling containing one or more rooming units in which space is let by the owner or operator to three or more persons who are not husband and wife, son or daughter, mother or father, or sister or brother of the owner or operator.

  • Apartment shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Recital H;