Examples of National Implications in a sentence
Police Accountability—Findings and National Implications of an Assessment of the San Diego Police Department officer’s commander and supervisor for review.
Critical Response Technical Assessment Review: Police Accountability—Findings and National Implications of an Assessment of the San Diego Police Department.
Police Accountability—Findings and National Implications of an Assessment of the San Diego Police Department While many of the recommendations in this report may be implemented without significant financial costs, it is unlikely that the primary issue of staffing will be addressed long-term without additional financial support from the City of San Diego to replenish its workforce.
Police Accountability—Findings and National Implications of an Assessment of the San Diego Police Department what is required by the city and the state of California and what constitutes a potential or automatic disqualifier.
A number of repeat callers left dozens of messages (30 in one case) each CRITICAL RESPONSE TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT REVIEW Police Accountability—Findings and National Implications of an Assessment of the San Diego Police Department repeating the same message.
Police Accountability—Findings and National Implications of an Assessment of the San Diego Police Department Misconduct type 1st offense 2nd offense 3rd offense 4th offense Police equipment collisions (See DP 1.14 & AR 75.12 for definitions of collision categories and time frames for progressive discipline.
Police Accountability—Findings and National Implications of an Assessment of the San Diego Police Department PERF’s review found that negative in- dicators were, in fact, identified in the background investigations of some of the officers who were involved in misconduct cases, but the indicators were mitigat- ed before hire for various reasons.
Police Accountability—Findings and National Implications of an Assessment of the San Diego Police Department Chapter 3 .
Police Accountability—Findings and National Implications of an Assessment of the San Diego Police Department Accountability: early intervention systems, internal investigations, and discipline It is the police department’s responsibility to identify and address problematic behavior as quickly and efficient- ly as possible and to hold officers accountable for their actions.
Police Accountability—Findings and National Implications of an Assessment of the San Diego Police Department such as unwillingness to follow rules, friction with supervisors, lack of initiative, alcohol abuse, or behavioral traits that indicate a tendency to be overly aggressive.