Examples of National Planning Commission in a sentence
Companies, firms and groups of producers who are Namibian citizen can apply for a loan at the National Planning Commission (NPC) of Namibia or at the Investment Bank of the EU.
Going forward, the regulatory environment may also be impacted upon through the forthcoming White Paper on Cooperative Governance, and the work of the National Planning Commission.
The National Planning Commission, a ministry-level government agency charged with directing development resources, has been confirmed as the designated accountable entity.
The other members of the PSC shall comprise the director general of DOA, senior officials at the joint-secretary level from MOAC, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industries, Commerce and Supplies, Ministry of Local Development, Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, and the National Planning Commission, the executive director of the Agro Enterprise Center and the General Manager.
The Director General of the National Planning Commission of the Recipient is designated as representative of the Recipient for the purposes of Section 11.03 of the General Conditions.
It is elaborated, implemented and evaluated jointly by the Luxembourg and Namibian Governments through the governmental and administrative bodies responsible for development co-operation: • for Namibia, the Office of the President through the National Planning Commission Secretariat; and • for Luxembourg, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration through the Directorate for Development Co-operation.
In 2008, Nepal faced some of 1 National Planning Commission, Post-Disaster Needs Assessment, 2015 2 Xxxxxxxx, et al., “Modeling Earthquake Disaster Risk to Aid Humanitarian Contingency Planning” Durham University, 2017.
SC/RP/26-01/2020/21 To: National Planning Commission, Government Office Park I/We* understand that in terms of section 45 of the Act a Public entity must include in the bidding document the requirement for a declaration as an alternative form of bid security.
The Office of the President through the National Planning Commission Secretariat, on the Namibian side, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration through the Directorate for Development Co-operation, on the Luxembourg side, are the responsible bodies for the monitoring of the ICP.
The Post Compact M&E Plan has been developed by Millennium Challenge Account Namibia (MCA-N) (the Compact’s implementing entity) and GRN’s designated representative, the National Planning Commission (NPC)1, to serve as a tool to plan and manage the process of post-Compact monitoring, evaluating, and reporting progress towards achieving and sustaining Namibia’s Compact results.