Examples of Native American Lands in a sentence
For more on tribal mineral development, See COHEN’S HANDBOOK § 17.03[2] (2012); Lynn Slade, Mineral and Energy Development on Native American Lands: Strategies for Addressing Sovereignty, Regulation, Rights, and Culture, 56TH ANNUAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN MINERAL LAW INSTITUTE (2010).
Multifamily new construction housing projects shall have affordability periods of55 years, except projects developed on Indian reservations or Native American Lands will be for at least 50 years (if the project is built on leased property).
The State considers Indian Reservations or Native American Lands to be within the boundaries of the applicable State HOME eligible jurisdictions listed in Appendix A.State HOME Regulations require that a minimum of 50 percent of funds go to activities located in rural census tracts.
The Federal Indian Police have general jurisdiction on Native American Lands.
Diotealevi & Susan Burhoe, Native American Lands and the Keystone Pipeline Expansion: A Legal Analysis, 38 INDIGENOUS POLICY J., at *1 (2016), http://www.indigenouspolicy.org/index.php/ipj/article/view/265 (discussing tense relations between government and Native American tribes).
Once the set-asides have been achieved and the top-ranked project and top-ranked Program Activity on Native American Lands as defined in Section 8201(x or by an eligible Native American Entity has been selected, all remaining applications will be funded within their respective allocations pursuant to state HOME regulationsSection 8212.1, based on their scores relative to all other applications with the highest- scoring application funded first.
Guzelian, A Spectrum Revolution: Deploying Ultrawideband Technology on Native American Lands, 11 COMM.
Section 8003 payments for federally- connected students compensate school districts for educating students, whose parents or legal guardians reside and/or work on federal property, including children of members of the uniformed services, and children who reside on Native American Lands.
This limitation on the term of restrictions is contained in the proposed revision.Limiting the term of restrictions applicable to Projects on Native American Lands will remove a hurdle to development will likely encourage construction of affordable housing units for Native Americans on tribal lands.
For example, the Department of Defense has a Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program to address environmental impacts on Indian lands.