Navigation season definition

Navigation season means the an- nual period designated by the Corpora- tion and the Manager, that is appro- priate to weather and ice conditions or vessel traffic demands, during which the Seaway is open for navigation;
Navigation season means the annual period designated by the Manager and the Corporation, that is appropriate to weather and ice conditions or ship traffic demands, during which the Seaway is open for navigation; (saison de navigation)
Navigation season means, in any given year, that period of time between the starting date of the first assignment in Lake Ontario to an upbound vessel required under the regulations to be under the conduct of a pilot until the end of the day on which is completed the normal rest following the last assignment in the Lake Ontario to a downbound vessel similarly required under the regulations to be under the conduct of a pilot. A twelve (12) hour pre-notice shall be given to the pilot prior to the first assignment of the season.

Examples of Navigation season in a sentence

  • Navigation season for transit passages starts approximately at the beginning of July and lasts through to the second half of November.24 The Arctic Council’s 2013 final report of the Arctic Ocean Review Project described in some detail Russia’s recent efforts to develop the NSR: Russia is interested in further developing its Northern Sea Route (NSR), a route which has experienced renewed activity, to carry a greater volume of natural resources to global markets.

  • Key provisions set forth in the rules and regulations are as follows:• Navigation season - beginning from April 5th - May 20th to November 15-20;• Size of boats - up to 300 ft.

  • Navigation season length is less than 10 days from the Fram Strait to the Chukchi Sea, and reliably near zero throughout much of the central Arctic Ocean (average ~0–3 days; σ ~0).

  • River stage generally declined throughout the summer through the end of the Navigation season on 5 October.

  • Navigation season is substantially shorter in the Laptev (average ~35–65 days) and East Siberian (average ~35–100 days) Seas.

More Definitions of Navigation season

Navigation season means in any year that period of time between the starting date of the first assignment in the International District No. 1 to a date nine (9) months after; however, it shall not exceed December 31st;
Navigation season means the period of time commencing on the date that the first of the unlicensed crew joins the particular vessel to which they have been assigned at fit-out and ending on the date that the first of the unlicensed crew have secured vessel at lay-up on its berth. After the vessel arrives at its lay-up berth the engine room employees and galley crew will be required to remain on the job until the vessel is secured. Employees leaving such vessel at lay-up will have separation marked as “laid off or relief complete, as applicable”.
Navigation season means the period commencing in the spring of each year (typically on or about March 25) during which the Great Lakes are open to navigation from Lake Superior ports to Lorain, Ohio.
Navigation season means, in any given year, that period of time between the starting date of the first assignment in District 2, but not earlier than forty-eight (48) hours before the passing of the first commercial vessel in the Montreal-Lake Ontario sector of the St. Xxxxxxxx Seaway, to a vessel which is required under the Regulations to be under the conduct of a pilot, until the end of the day on which is completed the normal rest following the last assignment in District 2 to a vessel required under the Regulations to be under the conduct of a pilot, provided that if such last assignment is upbound, such assignment order time is not later than forty-eight
Navigation season means the period of time commencing on the date that the first of the unlicensed crew joins the particular vessel to which they have been assigned at fit-out and ending on the date that the first of the unlicensed crew have secured vessel at lay-up on its berth. After the vessel arrives at its lay-up berth the engine room employees and galley crew will be required to remain on the job until the vessel is secured. Employees leaving such vessel at lay-up will have separation marked as “laid off.” Employee
Navigation season means, in any given year, that period of time between the date of the first assignment in District but not than forty-eight (48) hours before the passing of the first commercial vessel in the Montreal-Lake Ontario sector of the Xxxxxxxx Seaway, to a vessel which is required under the Regulations to be under the conduct of a pilot, until the end of the day on which is normal following the last assignment District to a required under the Regulations to be under the conduct of a pilot, provided that if such assignment is such assignment order time is not Later than forty-eight (48) hours the order time of the last downbound assignment (in the event of a conflict between provision arid Article Article shall prevail). means a licensed pilot as defined by the Pilotage Act and Includes an apprentice-pilot unless the context provides otherwise; pilot under (referred to hereinafter as a contract pilot) means a licensed pilot as defined under the Pilotage Act: who has retired and has an individual agreement with the Authority. Contract pilots shall maintain their seniority to age and are subject to the Working Rules and Rest Schedules of
Navigation season means the period designated by the Authority for navigation on the Seaway or any portion thereof;