Examples of Navigation season in a sentence
Navigation season for transit passages starts approximately at the beginning of July and lasts through to the second half of November.24 The Arctic Council’s 2013 final report of the Arctic Ocean Review Project described in some detail Russia’s recent efforts to develop the NSR: Russia is interested in further developing its Northern Sea Route (NSR), a route which has experienced renewed activity, to carry a greater volume of natural resources to global markets.
Key provisions set forth in the rules and regulations are as follows:• Navigation season - beginning from April 5th - May 20th to November 15-20;• Size of boats - up to 300 ft.
Navigation season length is less than 10 days from the Fram Strait to the Chukchi Sea, and reliably near zero throughout much of the central Arctic Ocean (average ~0–3 days; σ ~0).
River stage generally declined throughout the summer through the end of the Navigation season on 5 October.
Navigation season is substantially shorter in the Laptev (average ~35–65 days) and East Siberian (average ~35–100 days) Seas.