WORKING RULES Sample Clauses

WORKING RULES. B6.1 Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Employer shall determine the number of employees required. B6.2 There shall be no inequitable minimum or maximum amount of work which an employee may be required to perform during the working day, and there shall be no restrictions imposed against the use of any type of machinery tools, or labour saving devices. B6.3 At the discretion of the Employer, employees may be changed from one classification to another within the jurisdiction of the Union provided that the employee is capable and qualified to perform the work. No employee's hourly rate shall be lowered during the shift under these provisions, and if an employee is assigned to work calling for a higher rate of pay he shall receive such higher rate of pay for the full shift. B6.4 Subject to the employee being capable and qualified to perform the work, no employee's hourly rate shall be lowered under these provisions, and if an employee is assigned to work calling for a higher rate of pay he shall receive such higher rate of pay for the full day. During emergencies, any employee of the Employer may be assigned to any work, provided, however, that no employee's hourly rate shall be lowered under this provision, and provided further that in the event an employee is assigned to work called for a higher rate of pay, he shall receive such higher rate for the full day. B6.5 The Employer shall make arrangements in each locality where employees are employed to enable such employees to cash their pay cheques or, where it is impracticable to do so, will provide any employee within twenty-four (24) hours written request with a cheque in the equivalent of subsistence allowance payable. Where camps are provided in remote areas devoid of normal banking facilities, the Employer shall make every reasonable effort to provide cheque cashing facilities, it being understood that where it is impracticable to do so, suitable substitute provisions shall be agreed at the Pre-job Conference. All cheques to be negotiable at par. B6.6 On jobs where camps are provided the Employer shall insure the personal effects of each employee against loss by fire in an amount not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) provided an inventory of such personal effects is filed with the Employer. B6.7 The Employer shall provide gloves and coveralls to each employee who normally comes in contact with hot dope. In the event that an employee does not return the foregoing items supplied to hi...
WORKING RULES. When an Employer establishes working rules, a copy of such rules shall be made available to all employees at the store and it shall be the responsibility of each employee to familiarize himself with those rules. Said working rules shall not be in conflict with the terms of this Agreement. Changes in the working rules shall also be made available to employees in the store and, upon request, the Union shall be furnished such rules and such changes.
WORKING RULES. 6.1 The regular payday shall be not later than Thursday of each week, unless the Employer agrees to allow employees to draw on money earned; under such conditions, pay day may be once every two weeks. When employees are laid off or discharged their payment(s) for wages due them at the time of lay-off or discharge must be made by electronic transfer or mailed, and the Record of Employment must be mailed, to the employee’s last known address as soon as possible, but no later than the Employer’s next regular payday. If cheques are delayed, there will be a penalty of two (2) hours straight time pay per day until the monies are delivered. 6.2 The Employer shall provide a copy of the "Approved Safety Manual for Pipeline Construction in Canada" issued by the Association to the Job Xxxxxxx and, upon request, to any other employee. 6.3 The Employer shall provide rain suits and rubber boots, when required, and safety hats at no cost to the employee provided the employee returns same on termination of employment. 6.4 The parties hereto shall comply with any governmental occupational health and safety regulations applicable to the work. Any refusal by the employee to work in contravention of such regulations or without adequate rest (up to eight (8) hours of any twenty-four (24) hour period) shall not be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement and shall not be a reason for discharge. 6.5 After due warning any refusal by an employee to abide by any applicable accident prevention regulation of any governmental or appropriate regulatory body having jurisdiction, shall be cause for discharge. 6.6 The Job Xxxxxxx shall represent the Union as a member of any Job Safety Committee and he, or another committee member representing one of the Unions, depending upon the nature of the inspection, shall be made freely available by the Employer to accompany any authorized governmental representative on project inspection. 6.7 The certified health and safety representative, where required by legislation, will not be excluded from overtime work, by crew or project, provided he is able to perform the work required and shall be one of the last three employees retained by the Employer if competent to perform the available work remaining. 6.8 A Job Safety Committee meeting shall be held within two weeks after the commencement of the job and thereafter at least once each month. A copy of the Minutes shall be forwarded promptly to the Local Union. 6.9 Employees will be permitted a fifteen m...
WORKING RULESThe Department may adopt rules and regulations for the operation of the Department and the conduct of its employees; provided any such rules and regulations shall not conflict with any provisions of this Agreement, the Statutes of the State of Nebraska or the Charter and ordinances of the City of Lincoln.
WORKING RULESThe City may adopt any and all rules and regulations not in conflict with Nevada Revised Statutes, the Reno City Charter, Reno City Ordinances and the Rules and Regulations of the Reno Civil Service Commission. The Chief of Police shall have full authority in matters of training, safety, health and sanitation affecting employees on the job and he/she shall consider such suggestions and recommendations pertaining to these matters as may be from time to time presented by the employees or the Association.
WORKING RULES. 06.01. 00 Five consecutive days of eight (8) consecutive hours (exclusive of meal period) for single or first shift Employees, and seven and one-half (7-1/2) consecutive hours (exclusive of meal period) for second shift Employees, and seven (7) consecutive hours (exclusive of meal period) for third shift Employees, Monday through Friday inclusive, shall constitute a week's work.
WORKING RULESThe Employers recognize and agree that Local No. 302 of the I.U.O.E. is the exclusive bargaining agent for all Operating Engineers, apprentices, mechanics, and oilers/assistant engineers/service engineers, in the operation, maintenance, greasing and servicing, shop, and job site repair of all heavy equipment, including the maintenance, greasing and servicing and repair of all automotive equipment covered by this Agreement. It is further agreed that Historic Jurisdictional Agreements of Record in the State of Alaska will be observed. (a) On tower cranes where the operator is required to operate from a cab walkway or platform, or on power shovels, mucking machines, crawler cranes, truck cranes, floating cranes, Xxxxxxx cranes, locomotive cranes, Hyster cat cranes, 16" and over trenching machines, rock crushers and asphalt plants, the Employer and the Union shall agree whether an oiler/assistant engineer or fireman is required. However, whenever an operating engineer on any piece of equipment requires assistance in the operation of said equipment, maintenance or repair, such extra person or persons shall be operating engineers, oilers/assistant engineers, firemen or deck hands, and under the direct supervision of the operator. (b) Mechanics and service oilers/service engineers shall furnish their own tools but shall not be required to furnish special tools as follows: Air or electric wrenches, gear and gearing pullers, electric drills, reamers, taps, and dies, oxy- acetylene hoses, gauges, torches and tips, thirty-six inch pipe wrenches, socket wrench drives over 3/4 inch, wrenches over two (2) inches, coffin hoists and hydraulic jacks. (c) Mechanics and service oilers/service engineers shall not be required by the Employer to furnish their own transportation for tools to perform their work assignments. (d) Tools broken or damaged in the course of employment will be replaced or reimbursement will be made by the Employer upon the presentation of satisfactory evidence. (e) Neither this nor any other provisions of this Schedule A or the Agreement shall impair or preclude the Employer from utilizing third party venders for the performance of maintenance work when the Employer does not have the schedule, capacity, equipment, or tools to perform the work. The only exception with respect to the work covered by this Agreement is warranty work, and this work will be permitted and performed in accordance with the manufacturers or sellers warranty program. Equipment, wh...
WORKING RULESSECTION 1 Temperature & Facility Clause Pure, clean drinking water shall be provided at all times with sanitary paper cups available. Ice water shall be provided in warm temperatures of sixty (60) degrees or above indoors or outdoors. When carpenters are employed, a suitable tool shed shall be furnished for the safekeeping of tools and clothing and shall be properly heated and lighting shall be furnished when necessary and under no circumstances shall hazardous materials be stored therein during normal working hours. In case of fire, theft, flood or wind storm, or by forcible entry on a job at any time, the Employer shall be responsible for the loss of the Xxxxxxxxx’x tools and clothing in such fire or theft if claim is supported by notarized statement of loss. Carpenters will work in rain only in case of emergency. SECTION 2 All power tools, hand cleaner and rags must be furnished by the Employer. No Xxxxxxxxx shall be required to furnish mitre-box, benches, clamps or hand screws, nor shall he furnish grinding stone, power tools, or other equipment that is not regarded as a journeyman’s tools. Carpenters shall carry from the Employer’s place of storage all power tools that are necessary to perform all of his duties as a Xxxxxxxxx. No Carpenters shall file saws or sharpen tools on his own time, except when he is going to work for a different Employer when it shall be his duty to have his tools in good condition. Saws are to be filed on the job, if a competent Xxxxxxxxx is available. Files used on the job are to be furnished by the Employer. Only Carpenters shall work on saw table. The loading and unloading and handling of all finishing and finished materials such as trim, windows, bars, cabinets, casework, furniture, walk-in coolers and refrigeration cases, etc., whether wood or metal and all other materials in this category will be handled by Carpenters at the job site. When an engineer or anyone else is used to lay out xxxxxxxxx’x work such as batter boards, grade stakes, forms and grade lines, a Xxxxxxxxx must assist him. Members working on the jobs shall be classified as Journeyman and apprentice carpenters, and in no case shall any of the work as classified in this Agreement be done by anyone except members of this Brotherhood. The Employer will not subcontract any work within the jurisdiction of the Union which is to be performed at the job site except to a Subcontractor who holds an Agreement with the Union, or who agrees in writing, prior to or at ...
WORKING RULES. When an Employer establishes working rules, a copy of such rules shall be made available to all employees at the store and it shall be the responsibility of each employee to familiarize himself with those rules. Said working rules shall not be in conflict with the terms of this Agreement. Changes in the working rules shall also be made available to employees in the store. The Union will be provided, on an annual basis in January, an update of all rules, regulations, policies and procedures that employees are required to sign off on. If the Retail Operations Rules and Regulations change at any time during the year, the Employer will give a copy to the Union.