Examples of Negative Determination in a sentence
USAID has determined that a Negative Determination with conditions applies to one or more of the proposed activities.
Issue a Negative or Positive Determination of Applicability (DOA): • A Negative Determination requires no further action by the Conservation Commission providing the work proceeds as proposed.
However, any work within an area subject to the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act or the Kingston Wetlands Protection By-law and Regulations may not proceed until either a Negative Determination of Applicability or final Orders of Conditions have been issued by the Conservation Commission.
An Environ- mental Impact Statement shall be pre- pared if required pursuant to § 216.7. If an impact statement is not required, an Environmental Assessment will be prepared in accordance with § 216.6. The cognizant Bureau or Office will record a Negative Determination if the pro- posed action will not have a significant effect on the environment.(3) Negative Declaration.
All USAID/Afghanistan projects have one of four environmental threshold decisions (ETD): (a) Categorical Exclusion (CE), (b) Negative Determination (ND), (c) Negative Determination with Conditions (NDC), and/or (d) Positive Determination (PD).