Negative Determination definition

Negative Determination means a determination by the Secretary under Section 3 of this Settlement that Facilities Removal should not proceed.
Negative Determination has the meaning set forth in Section 5(b)(i).
Negative Determination means a determination by a director under section 44 of the Act that a site is not a contaminated site.

Examples of Negative Determination in a sentence

  • USAID has determined that a Negative Determination with conditions applies to one or more of the proposed activities.

  • If the approved Regulation 216 documentation includes any Negative Determinations with conditions, insert 2.This language stipulates that the activity(ies) must be implemented in compliance with the conditions specified in the Negative Determination.

  • All USAID/Afghanistan projects have one of four environmental threshold decisions (ETD): (a) Categorical Exclusion (CE), (b) Negative Determination (ND), (c) Negative Determination with Conditions (NDC), and/or (d) Positive Determination (PD).

  • Issue a Negative or Positive Determination of Applicability (DOA): • A Negative Determination requires no further action by the Conservation Commission providing the work proceeds as proposed.

  • However, any work within an area subject to the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act or the Kingston Wetlands Protection By-law and Regulations may not proceed until either a Negative Determination of Applicability or final Orders of Conditions have been issued by the Conservation Commission.

More Definitions of Negative Determination

Negative Determination means determination of the absence of a fact of subsidization (injury);
Negative Determination shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1.14(h).
Negative Determination means the Coast Guard’s written determination that a project or activity, including but not limited to, a proposed regulation, will have no reasonably foreseeable effects on any coastal use or resource. The Coast Guard shall provide a negative determination to the relevant State agency for such a Coast Guard project or activity as discussed in Chapter 2.B of this Manual.
Negative Determination has the meaning set forth in 0 (Dutch Custodians);
Negative Determination no significant adverse effects expected regarding the proposed activities, which are well defined over life of the proposal. without conditions (ideal conditions, no special mitigation measures needed, normal good practices and engineering will be used) with conditions (non-ideal conditions, special mitigation measures specified to prevent unintended impact) For an Umbrella IEE:
Negative Determination no significant adverse effects expected, but multiple sites and sub grant activities are involved that are not yet fully defined or designed. Refer to “Umbrella IEEs and Subgrant Environmental Screening” in the EPTM (March 2002), Xxxxx X. Positive Determination: IEE confirms potential for significant adverse effect of one or more activities. Appropriate environmental review needed/conducted. EA to be / being / has been (circle one) conducted. Note that the activities affected cannot go forward until the EA is approved. Deferral: one or more elements not yet sufficiently defined to perform environmental analysis; activities will not be implemented until amended IEE is approved. Briefly describe the nature of the deferred activities below: Not Applicable
Negative Determination. Means the determination made by the Secretary that there is not sufficient cause to merit a more thorough investigation or the filing of charges.