PJM Control Area means the Control Area recognized by NERC as the PJM Control Area.
Control Area means an electric power system or combination of electric power systems bounded by interconnection metering and telemetry to which a common automatic generation control scheme is applied in order to:
Control Area(s) means an electric power system or combination of electric power systems to which a common automatic generation control scheme is applied.
Load Control Equipment means the equipment (which may include, but is not limited to, ripple receivers and relays) that is from time to time installed in, over or on Consumer’s Premises for the purpose of receiving signals sent by Load Signalling Equipment and switching on and off, or otherwise controlling, controllable load;
area control service means air traffic control service for controlled flights in control areas;
aerodrome control service means air traffic control service for aerodrome traffic;
control zone shall have the meaning given in the Operating Agreement.
Control equipment means equipment necessary for the setting and/or unsetting of an immobilizer.
air traffic control service means a service provided for the purpose of:
Area Control Error or “ACE” shall mean the instantaneous difference between a Balancing Authority’s net actual and scheduled interchange, taking into account the effects of Frequency Bias and correction for meter error.
Disposal area means 1 or more of the following at a
Direct Load Control means load reduction that is controlled directly by the Curtailment Service Provider’s market operations center or its agent, in response to PJM instructions.
Traffic control signal means a device, whether manually, electrically, or mechanically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and to proceed.
Terminal Equipment means all telephone instruments, including pay telephone equipment, the common equipment of large and small key and PBX systems and other devices and apparatus, and associated wirings, which are intended to be connected electrically, acoustically or inductively to the telecommunication system of the telephone utility.
Material Equipment means such equipment, which, acting in accordance with a Reasonable and Prudent Standard, the Generator could reasonably be expected to have ordered and/or concluded a supply agreement in respect of in accordance with the Target Commissioning Date, and in any event, such equipment shall include the photovoltaic panels.
air traffic control unit means a generic term meaning variously, area control centre, approach control unit or aerodrome control tower;
Restricted Access Area means a building, room, or other contiguous area on the premises where plant material is grown, cultivated, harvested, stored, packaged, or processed for sale under control of the manufacturer, and where no person under the age of 18 is permitted.
Office of the Interconnection Control Center means the equipment, facilities and personnel used by the Office of the Interconnection to coordinate and direct the operation of the PJM Region and to administer the PJM Interchange Energy Market, including facilities and equipment used to communicate and coordinate with the Market Participants in connection with transactions in the PJM Interchange Energy Market or the operation of the PJM Region.
Control Affiliate of a Person means (a) any other Person directly or indirectly owning, controlling, or holding with power to vote, greater than 50% of the outstanding voting securities of such Person, (b) any other Person greater than 50% of whose outstanding voting securities are directly or indirectly owned, controlled, or held with power to vote, by such Person, or (c) any Person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with, such other Person. For purposes of this defined term, “control” means the power to exercise a controlling influence over the management or policies of a company, and “controlling” and “controlled” shall have correlative meanings.
Class Licence Allowance Gross All-Purpose Wage A" Class Licence per week per hour 1 945.50 69.45 1,014.95 26.7092 2 989.15 69.45 1,058.60 27.8579 3 1,032.80 69.45 1,102.25 29.0066 4 1,076.45 69.45 1,145.90 30.1553 5 1,120.10 69.45 34.05 1,223.60 32.2000 48.20 1,271.80 33.4683 6 1,163.75 69.45 34.05 1,267.25 33.3487 48.20 1,315.45 34.6170 7 1,251.05 69.45 34.05 1,354.55 35.6461 48.20 1,402.75 36.9143 8 1,338.35 69.45 34.05 1,441.85 37.9434 48.20 1,490.05 39.2117 9 1,382.00 69.45 34.05 1,485.50 39.0921 48.20 1,533.70 40.3604 10 1,512.95 69.45 34.05 1,616.45 42.5382 48.20 1,664.65 43.8064
operational area means the geographical area wherein an operational activity is to take place;
Tourism destination project means a qualified non-gaming business facility that will be among the most visited privately owned or operated tourism or recreation sites in the State, and which is located within the qualified incentive area and has been determined by the authority to be in an area appropriate for development and in need of economic development incentive assistance, including a non-gaming business within an established Tourism District with a significant impact on the economic viability of that District.
Control Account means a Securities Account or Commodity Account that is the subject of an effective Securities Account Control Agreement and that is maintained by any Loan Party with an Approved Securities Intermediary. “Control Account” includes all Financial Assets held in a Securities Account or a Commodity Account and all certificates and instruments, if any, representing or evidencing the Financial Assets contained therein.
NEPOOL GIS means the New England Power Pool Generation Information System.
Service Control Point (SCP) is the node in the common channel signaling network that accepts Queries for certain Database services. The SCP is a real time database system that receives Queries from service platforms, performs subscriber or application-specific service logic, and then sends a Response back to the Query-originating platform. Such service platforms can be Service Switching Points (SSPs) or other network nodes capable of properly formatting and launching Queries.
Established geographic service area means a geographic area, as approved by the Commissioner and based on the carrier's certificate of authority to transact insurance in this state, within which the carrier is authorized to provide coverage;