NEUTRAL 3RD PARTY definition

NEUTRAL 3RD PARTY means either a member in good standing or other 3rd party who has no direct involvement in a specific dispute or matter under consideration and can act impartially.


  • Neutral ’ means an individual who, with respect to an issue in controversy, functions specifically to aid the parties in resolving the controversy;

  • Mediator means an individual who conducts a mediation.

  • Panel means the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers;

  • Mediation means any process in which a mediator facilitates communication and negotiation between the parties to assist them in reaching a voluntary agreement regarding their dispute.

  • Neutral Accountant means a national independent accounting firm selected by Buyer and reasonably acceptable to Sellers.

  • Contracting Party shall have the meaning designated in the preamble to Section 5.2 hereof.

  • Licensed site remediation professional means an individual who is licensed by the Site Remediation Professional Licensing Board pursuant to section 7 of P.L.2009, c.60 (C.58:10C-7) or the department pursuant to section 12 of P.L.2009, c.60 (C.58:10C-12).

  • Recall means any measure aimed at achieving the return of a device that has already been made available to the end user;

  • Mediation party means a person that participates in a mediation and whose agreement is necessary to resolve the dispute.

  • Mediation communication means a statement, whether oral, in a record, verbal or nonverbal, that occurs during a mediation or is made for purposes of considering, conducting, participating in, initiating, continuing, or reconvening a mediation or retaining a mediator.

  • Arbitrators has the meaning set forth in Section 11.5.3.

  • Competing Product or Service means any product or service that is sold in competition with, or is being developed and that will compete with, a product or service developed, manufactured, or sold by Fiserv. For purposes of this Section 5, Competing Products or Services as to you are limited to products and/or services with respect to which you participated in the development, planning, testing, sale, marketing or evaluation on behalf of Fiserv during any part of your employment with Fiserv, or after the termination of your employment, during any part of the 24 months preceding the termination of your employment with Fiserv, or for which you supervised one or more Fiserv employees, units, divisions or departments in doing so.

  • Arbitrator means the authority nominated by Chief General Manager (CGM) for arbitration.

  • Arbitration Panel shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3 hereof.

  • Technical Dispute has the meaning specified in Section 12.2;

  • Contractor/ The Successful Bidder means the person whose Tender has been accepted and awarded letter of Acceptance followed by the Supply Order or Contract by the Purchaser.

  • Hearing Panel means a panel responsible for adjudicating disciplinary cases pursuant to a Notice of Charges authorized by a Review Panel.

  • Viator means the owner or holder of a policy who has a terminal illness or condition and who enters into a viatical settlement contract.

  • Direction-indicator lamp means the lamp used to indicate to other road-users that the driver intends to change direction to the right or to the left;

  • Paraprofessional means a person who does not have an academic degree related to the scope of treatment or support services being provided but performs prescribed functions under the general supervision of that discipline.

  • Licensed mental health professional or "LMHP" means a physician, licensed clinical psychologist, licensed professional counselor, licensed clinical social worker, licensed substance abuse treatment practitioner, licensed marriage and family therapist, certified psychiatric clinical nurse specialist, licensed behavior analyst, or licensed psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioner.

  • Recall campaign means the period of time beginning on the

  • Commercially Useful Function means responsibility for the execution of a distinct element of the work of the contract, which is carried out by actually performing, managing, and supervising the work involved, evidencing the responsibilities and risks of a business owner such as negotiating the terms of (sub)contracts, taking on a financial risk commensurate with the contract or its subcontract, responsibility for acquiring the appropriate lines of credit and/or loans, or fulfilling responsibilities as a joint venture partner as described in the joint venture agreement.

  • Neutral Auditor means Ernst & Young or, if Ernst & Young is unable to serve, an impartial nationally recognized firm of independent certified public accountants other than Seller’s accountants or Purchaser’s accountants, mutually agreed to by Purchaser and Seller.

  • Appraiser panel means a network, list or roster of licensed or certified ap- praisers approved by an AMC to per- form appraisals as independent con- tractors for the AMC. Appraisers on an AMC’s ‘‘appraiser panel’’ under this part include both appraisers accepted by the AMC for consideration for fu- ture appraisal assignments in covered transactions or for secondary mortgage market participants in connection with covered transactions and appraisers en- gaged by the AMC to perform one or more appraisals in covered trans- actions or for secondary mortgage mar- ket participants in connection with covered transactions. An appraiser is an independent contractor for purposes of this subpart if the appraiser is treat- ed as an independent contractor by the AMC for purposes of Federal income taxation.

  • Arbiter has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(c).