Nonrecurring expenses definition
Examples of Nonrecurring expenses in a sentence
Non-recurring expenses cannot be reimbursed without detailed receipts for each expense claimed or reimbursable from other sources of funds.
Discrepancies are approved by the League Administrator prior to payment.3) EMT bills for tournaments/playoffs are compared by the Treasurer to the published brackets prior to payment.4) Recurring budgeted Admin expenses are paid by the Treasurer.5) Non-recurring expenses are approved by the District Director and paid by the Treasurer if under $500.
Non-recurring expenses are one time only expenses and cannot be reassessed.
Non-recurring expenses represent the difference between EBITDA before exceptionals and adjusted EBITDA.
R$ million201820192020Change, % 2020/2019G&A expenses92.687.677.5(11.6%)% of net sales revenue4.0%4.2%4.1%(0.1 p.p.) Non-recurring expenses (Covid-19)Management is monitoring the possible impacts of Covid-19 on the businesses of the Company and its subsidiaries.
Non-recurring expenses shall be presented to the Board for payment when funds are expended by the Township.
Nonrecurring expenses of the Company shall not be deducted from After-Tax Net Income for the purposes of calculating the First Guaranteed NI or the Second Guaranteed NI.
Non-recurring expenses which are "substantial" shall be amortized over a reasonable period.
Non-recurring expenses relate to acquisition related bonusses of £ 7.2 million and transaction related advisory fees of £ 5.6 million.2. Adjusting amortisation relates to the amortisation of certain intangibles assets recognised as a result of the acquisitions.
Non-recurring expenses impaired the results of the Danish operations; however, significant adjustments are expected to improve the results in 2013.