recurring payments definition

recurring payments. “reference transactions” "preauthorized transfers" or "preapproved payment." You can cancel your billing agreement at any time in your account interface or by contacting us. Where a payment under that billing agreement is scheduled to be made before the end of the next Business Day after you tell us to cancel it, we may cancel your billing agreement after that payment has been made. If you cancel a billing agreement, you may still owe the recipient money for goods or services that you have received but have not paid for. If we determine currency conversion is necessary for a billing agreement payment, and we perform the conversion, we will use the transaction exchange rate in effect at the time the payment is processed. The transaction exchange rate for each payment transaction may vary. We may allow the recipient of your payment to: • Refuse to accept it. • Decide to accept it and then use our service to send you a refund of all or any part of the amount of the payment later. We will return the amount of any refused payment or refunded payment to your Balance. We will return the amount of an unclaimed payment to your balance within 30 days after the date you initiated the payment. If any amount of any payment is returned to you in any of the ways outlined above, we may convert the returned amount for you into either: • The currency of the balance you used for the original payment (before any conversion into the currency received by the recipient happened). • The opening currency of your account. • US dollars (opening a balance in that currency for you, if you don’t have one already). If the original payment you sent involved a currency conversion we will convert the returned amount from the currency received by the recipient as follows: • If the amount is returned within one day of the date of the original payment we will use our transaction exchange rate applicable on the date of the original payment, so that you receive the original amount in the original currency you converted for the original payment. • If the amount is returned after one day of the date of the original payment we will use and you agree to accept our transaction exchange rate applicable at the time of the conversion of the returned amount. The transaction exchange rate may be applied immediately and without notice to you. We may also automatically withdraw the returned amount from your Balance and transfer the funds back to the funding source you used for the original payment. Withdra...
recurring payments means pay- ments for services of a recurring na- ture, such as rents, building mainte- nance, transportation services, park- ing, leases, and maintenance for equip- ment, pagers and cellular phones, etc., which are performed under agency-ven- dor agreements providing for payments of definite amounts at fixed periodic intervals.
recurring payments. Tool: Technology provided by PayPal for setting up payments that recur at specified intervals or frequencies with authorization from the payer. See the PayPal Website and product documentation for further information. Self Hosted Integration: The Product integrated into the payment process of your website pursuant to section 1, with that functionality being operated (including the card entry field being hosted) at least in part on your website.

More Definitions of recurring payments

recurring payments. “reference transactions” "preauthorised transfers" or "preapproved payment." You can cancel your billing agreement at any time with immediate effect in your account interface or by contacting us. Where a payment under that billing agreement is scheduled to be made before the end of the next Business Day after you tell us to cancel it, we may cancel your billing agreement after that payment has been made. If you cancel a billing agreement, you may still owe the recipient money for goods or services that you have received but have not paid for. If we determine currency conversion is necessary for a billing agreement payment, and we perform the conversion, we will use the transaction exchange rate (including our currency conversion fee) in effect at the time the payment is processed. The transaction exchange rate for each payment transaction may vary. Once you have access to any account statement(s) or other account activity information made available to you by PayPal with respect to your business account(s), you will have 60 days to notify PayPal in writing of any errors or discrepancies with respect to the pricing or other fees applied by PayPal. If you do not notify PayPal within such timeframe, you accept such information as accurate, and PayPal shall have no obligation to make any corrections. For the purposes of this provision, such pricing or fee errors or discrepancies are different than unauthorized transactions and other electronic transfer errors which are each subject to different notification timeframes as set forth herein.
recurring payments means the optional feature associated with ACP, Payments Pro and VT that, with the consent of your customer, enables you to set up payments that recur at specified intervals and frequencies, as described in more detail on the PayPal website.
recurring payments. You may establish recurring payments to loans and lines of credit you hold with us and/or your electronically presented bills. When establishing a recurring payment, you must choose:
recurring payments means the optional feature that, with the consent of your customer, enables you to set up payments that recur at specified intervals and frequencies, as described in more detail on the PayPal Website.
recurring payments are sent automatically on an on-going basis. You can set up payment parameters: frequency, amount, and timing.
recurring payments. The use of your Account to make preauthorized electronic recurring bill payments constitutes an “electronic fund transfer” as defined by the federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act and Regulation E. You may be able to place a stop payment on a preauthorized electronic recurring bill payment in accordance with the terms of our EFT Agreement and Disclosure with you. Any such stop payment order is subject to a Stop Payment Fee of $30 for each stop payment order you give. A stop payment/revocation order does not release you from the obligation to pay for goods and services purchased from merchants. CREDIT REPORTING
recurring payments are sent automatically on an ongoing basis. You set up payment rules regarding their frequency, amount, and timing. The amount of a Recurring Payment is fixed and will not fluctuate unless you manually change the amount.