Examples of North Parcel in a sentence
In the event that a Sursum Corda Household: (i.) elects not to return to the Property to occupy a Reserved Unit or (ii.) fails to timely enter into an agreement for the occupancy of its Reserved Unit that is also an affordable unit, said unit may be converted to a market rate unit so long as the Applicant sets aside a corresponding amount of gross floor area for affordable units on the North Parcel.
Similarly, the Commission notes that the North Parcel will contain only 799 square feet of retail space above the 30,000 square foot trigger.7 Specifically WNNC claimed that proposed PUD did not failed to provide adequate parking to accommodate the grocery store and other retail uses, including potential new restaurants within the PUD.
In addition, the Applicant will design and construct the North Parcel building to achieve the equivalent of a Silver standard on the LEED for Homes (Midrise) system or its equivalent.
The North Parcel (as shown on Exhibit A) shall be made subject to a Restricted Land Covenant that will control development and protect the North Parcel as open space Restricted Land to be left in substantially its natural state, restored or landscaped so as to protect the North Parcel’s view characteristics.
The Project will provide one space per dwelling unit on the North Parcel, which is double the amount required under the Zoning Regulations and is consistent with the average auto ownership in the neighborhood.
In July of 2019, the ITA authorized a not-to- exceed amount of $6,873,231 to Stantec for the North Parcel design services which also included a portion of the design fees anticipated for the renovation of the Maintenance Building on the South (existing) portion of the base.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, if after payment of the North Parcel Allocated Loan Amount the financial tests set forth in clauses (iv) and (v) above would not be satisfied, then Borrower shall have the right to increase the North Parcel Allocated Loan Amount to the amount that would need to be repaid in order to cause the conditions set forth in clauses (iv) and (v) to be satisfied.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Sublease shall continue in effect with respect to only the North Parcel.
In response to local concerns, Arizona Congressman Raúl Grijalva introduced legislation in March 2008 seeking permanently to withdraw over one million acres of federal land abutting Grand Canyon National Park, on the northern side (North Parcel), northeastern side (East Parcel), and southern side (South Parcel) of the Park.
The size, mix, and location of the affordable units shall be consistent with the Inclusionary Zoning (“IZ”) Regulations in effect at the time of the second-stage PUD application for the North Parcel.