Notice of a License Action. Grantee shall notify their contract manager of any action impacting its license to provide services under this Contract within five days of becoming aware of the action and include the following:
a. Reason for such action;
b. Name and contact information of the local, state or federal department or agency or entity;
x. Xxxx of the license action; and
d. License or case reference number.
Notice of a License Action. Grantee/Contractor shall notify the assigned System Agency contract manager in writing of any action impacting Grantee/Contractor’s license to provide services under this Grant Agreement/Contract within five business days of becoming aware of the action and include the following:
i. Reason for such action;
ii. Name and contact information of the local, state or federal department or agency or entity;
iii. Date of the license action; and
iv. License or case reference number.
Notice of a License Action. Contractor shall notify its assigned HHSC contract manager of any action impacting Contractor’s license to provide services under this Contract within five days of becoming aware of the action and include the following:
i. Reason for such action;
ii. Name and contact information of the local, state or federal department or agency or entity;
iii. Date of the license action; and
Notice of a License Action. Contractor shall notify their contract manager of any action impacting its license to provide services under this Contract within five days of becoming aware of the action and include the following:
a. Reason for such action;
b. Name and contact information of the local, state or federal department or agency or entity;
x. Xxxx of the license action; and
d. License or case reference number.
Notice of a License Action. Grantee shall notify the assigned System Agency Contract Representative in writing of any action impacting Grantee’s license to provide services under this Grant Agreement within five
Notice of a License Action. Grantee shall notify the assigned System Agency contract manager in writing of any action business days of becoming aware of the action and include the following:
1. Reason for such action;
2. Name and contact information of the local, state or federal department or agency or entity;
3. Date of the license action; and
4. License or case reference number.
Notice of a License Action. Performing Agency shall notify their contract manager of any action impacting its license to provide services under this Contract within five days of becoming aware of the action and include the following:
a. Reason for such action;
b. Name and contact information of the local, state or federal department or agency or entity;
x. Xxxx of the license action; and
d. License or case reference number.
Notice of a License Action. Contractor shall notify its assigned DSHS contract manager of any action impacting Contractor’s license to provide services under this Contract within five days of becoming aware of the action and include the following:
i. Reason for such action;
ii. Name and contact information of the local, state or federal department or agency or entity;
iii. Date of the license action; and
iv. License or case reference number.
Notice of a License Action. Contractor shall notify County of any impacting its license to provide services under this contract within five days of becoming aware of the action and include the following:
a) Reason for such action;
b) Name and contact information of the local, state or federal department of agency or entity;
c) date of the license action; and
d) License or case reference number
Notice of a License Action. Contractor shall notify its assigned HHSC contract manager of any action impacting Contractor’s license to provide services under this Contract within five days of becoming aware of the action and include the following:
i. Reason for such action;
ii. Name and contact information of the local, state or federal department or agency or entity;
iii. Date of the license action; and
iv. License or case reference number. Pub c report ng burden for th s co ect on of nformat on s est mated to average 15 m nutes per response, nc ud ng t me for xxx xx xx nstruct ons, search ng ex st ng data sources, gather ng and ma nta n ng the data needed, and comp et ng and xxx xx xx the co ect on of nformat on. Send comments regard ng the burden est mate or any other aspect of th s co ect on of nformat on, nc ud ng suggest ons for reduc ng th s burden, to the Off ce of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduct on Project (0348-0040), Wash ngton, DC 20503. As the du y author zed representat ve of the app cant, I cert fy that the app cant:
1. Has the ega author ty to app y for Federa ass stance and the nst tut ona , manager a and f nanc a capab ty ( nc ud ng funds suff c ent to pay the non-Federa share of project cost) to ensure proper p xxx xx, management and comp et on of the project descr bed n th s app cat on.
2. W g ve the award ng agency, the Comptro er Genera of the Un xxx States and, f appropr ate, the State, through any author zed representat ve, access to and the r ght to exam ne a records, books, papers, or documents re ated to the award; and w estab sh a proper account ng system n accordance w th genera y accepted account ng standards or agency d rect ves.
3. W estab sh safeguards to proh b t emp oyees from us ng the r pos t ons for a purpose that const tutes or presents the appearance of persona or organ zat ona conf ct of nterest, or persona ga n.
4. W n t ate and comp ete the work w th n the app cab e t me frame after rece pt of approva of the award ng agency.
5. W comp y w th the Intergovernmenta Personne Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. §§4728-4763) re at ng to prescr bed standards for mer t systems for programs funded under one of the 19 statutes or regu at ons spec f ed n Append x A of OPM's Standards for a Mer t System of Personne Adm n strat on (5 C.F.R. 900, Subpart F).
6. W comp y w th a Federa statutes re at ng to nond scr m nat on. These nc ude but are not m xxx to:
(a) T t e VI of the C v R ghts Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) wh ch proh b ts d scr m nat on on the bas s of ...