Examples of Notice of Revision or Disallowance in a sentence
Please refer to Schedule G of the Claims Procedure Order for an example of a Notice of Revision or Disallowance.
If the Monitor, in consultation with the CCAA Parties, determines it necessary to revise or disallow your claim, the Monitor will send you a Notice of Revision or Disallowance advising you of the reasons why, and to what extent your claim has been revised or disallowed.
If the Monitor, in consultation with D&O Counsel, determines it necessary to revise or disallow a D&O Claim, the Monitor shall send such D&O Claimant a D&O Notice of Revision or Disallowance advising that, and to what extent, the D&O Claim as set out in its D&O Proof of Claim has been revised or disallowed, and stating the reasons therefor.
If the Monitor, in consultation with the CCAA Parties, determines it necessary to revise or disallow a Claim, the Monitor shall send such Creditor a Notice of Revision or Disallowance advising that, and to what extent, the Claim as set out in its Proof of Claim has been revised or disallowed, and stating the reasons therefor.
If the CCAA Parties do not object to the Claim and/or if the Monitor does not send you a Notice of Revision or Disallowance, your claim, as submitted, will be accepted, and a Notice of Allowance will be sent.