Examples of NPDES general permit in a sentence
The MPCA Construction Stormwater (CSW) NPDES general permit in effect at the time of issuance, or modification, of coverage under this Permit is incorporated by reference into this Permit and is an enforceable part of this Permit.
The Contractor, with the design assistance of the Design Professional, is contractually required to obtain the land disturbance permit(s) that comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permit for storm water management for construction activities.
When construction activity disturbs one or more acres of land, the Permittee must comply with the CSW NPDES general permit listed above, including development of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
The CSW NPDES general permit is available at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/.
The CM/GC, with the design assistance of the Design Professional, is contractually required to obtain the land disturbance permit(s) that comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permit for storm water management for construction activities.
Ohio EPA must be notified in writing sixty days prior to any proposed transfer of coverage under an Ohio NPDES general permit.
This notification shall include a brief statement of the reasons for this decision, an application form, a statement setting a deadline for to file the application, and a statement that on the effective date of issuance or denial of the individual NPDES permit or the alternative NPDES general permit coverage as it applies to the individual permittee, coverage under this general permit shall automatically terminate.
Discharges of material other than storm water or the authorized non-storm water discharges listed above must comply with an individual NPDES permit or an alternative NPDES general permit issued for the discharge.
Where the Department requires the permittee to apply for an individual NPDES permit or coverage under an alternative NPDES general permit, the Department will notify the permittee in writing that a permit application is required.
When an individual NPDES permit is denied to an operator otherwise subject to this permit, or the operator is denied for coverage under an alternative NPDES general permit, the applicability of this permit to the MS4 is automatically terminated on the date of such denial, unless otherwise specified by the Department.