NTT Group definition
Examples of NTT Group in a sentence
The Supplier is providing services to and for the benefit of NTT and NTT Group.
For the assessment of whether a contract that was concluded in or prior to the previous fiscal year is, or contains a lease, the NTT Group has applied the practical expedient of maintaining its previous assessment.
NTT Group applies IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach, under which recognizing the cumulative effect of applying the standard as an adjustment to the beginning balance of retained earnings at the date of initial application with no restatement of the comparative period.
Provisions are recognized in cases where NTT Group has present legal or constructive obligations as a result of past events, as well as where it is probable that the obligations will be required to be settled and when it is possible to reliably estimate the amount of the obligation.
In particular, in the corporate business, the Company will expand the range of offered solutions to include mobile and fixed-line telecommunications and services in the upper level domains by linking the products and services of the Company and the NTT Group and creating new services by integrating the Company’s platform for mobile network services and the NTT Group’s platform and solutions for fixed network services, among other things.
Due to concerns over conflicts of interest between the NTT Group and the Company’s minority shareholders, and the need to ensure the Company’s independence, it has been difficult for the Company to swiftly and smoothly promote a shared utilization of NTT Group’s business infrastructures.
In order to increase the medium-to-long-term corporate value of the NTT Group, the Company believes it is necessary to strengthen its R&D activities to accomplish an innovation in its telecommunications technology and to create a next generation network, including 6G and IOWN.
The Company believes that the consolidation or coordination of the resources and assets of the NTT Group and the Company will enable an early and steady achievement of these.
Moreover, the Company will shift its resources to businesses with higher added value by enhancing coordination of the engineering resources among companies within the NTT Group, including the Company, among other things, so as to strengthen its engineering capabilities and achieve efficient management at the same time.
Overview of Internal Control SystemsNTT has established the Basic Policies Concerning the Maintenance of Internal Control Systems for NTT Group, which was approved via resolution by the Board of Directors.