Examples of NWDS Group in a sentence
The NWDS Group is principally engaged in the business of operating department stores in the PRC.
The NWDS Group and the CTFJ Group wish to continue the concessionaire arrangements or rental agreements and may from time to time enter into new concessionaire arrangements or rental agreements in relation to the Concessionaire Transactions.
The NWD Directors consider that the terms of the Master Concessionaire Counter Agreement have been negotiated on an arm’s length basis and on normal commercial terms and are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the NWD Group, the NWDS Group and the NWD Shareholders as a whole and that the NWD Concessionaire Annual Caps are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the NWD Group, the NWDS Group and the NWD Shareholders as a whole.
The NWDS Directors (excluding the independent non-executive NWDS Directors who will provide their views after considering the opinion of the independent financial adviser) consider that the terms of the Master Management Agreement and the Annual Caps in respect thereof have been negotiated on an arm’s length basis and on normal commercial terms and the terms thereof are fair and reasonable and are in the interests of the NWDS Group and the NWDS Shareholders as a whole.
The consideration (including the rental and management fees) for each of the Premises to be leased by any member of the NWDS Group from the NWD Group shall be determined in accordance with the basis set out in the section titled “Master Leasing Agreement – Subject matter” above and at the price which is no less favourable than if such Premises are leased by the NWD Group to independent third parties in the ordinary course of business.
For each transaction under the Master Concessionaire Counter Agreement, pursuant to the relevant concessionaire counter agreements and rental agreements, commissions and basic usage costs and rebates are payable by the CTF Jewellery Group to members of the NWDS Group for the use of the floor space in the Stores.
The management fee payable by the NWD Group to the NWDS Group shall be determined in accordance with the basis set out in the section titled “Master Management Agreement – Subject matter” above and at the consideration which is no less favourable than such NWD Store shall be managed by independent third parties in the ordinary course of business.
The Assistant Principal confirmed that the Subcontractor Fees and Charges Policy for 2022/23 has been reviewed and updated to ensure compliance with ESFA subcontracting requirements for 2022/23.
The NWDS Directors further believe that it is in the interests of NWDS to enter into the Master Leasing Agreement so that the NWDS Group may regulate the existing and future leasing agreements with the NWD Group under a common framework agreement.
The NWDS Group and the NWD Group wish to continue the management agreement and may from time to time enter into new management agreements relating to the provision of the Management Consultancy Services by the NWDS Group to the NWD Group.