Examples of NWD Group in a sentence
The Directors also believe that it is in the interests of the Company to renew the Master Leasing Agreement so that the Group may regulate the existing and future leasing agreements with the NWD Group under a common framework agreement.
The Group and the NWD Group wish to continue the leasing agreements and may from time to time enter into new leasing agreements for the leasing of premises by the Group from the NWD Group, and vice versa.
The principal activities of the NWD Group include property, infrastructure, hotel operation, department store operation, services as well as telecommunications and technology.
The principal businesses of NWD Group include property development and investments in the areas of property, infrastructure, hotel operation, department store operation, commercial aircraft leasing, services and technology.
As NWDS is a subsidiary of NWD, the NWD Directors believe that the NWD Group will also benefit as a result of NWDS’ renewal of the Master Concessionaire Counter Agreement.
NWD is an investment holding company and the principal activities of NWD Group include property, infrastructure, hotel operation, department store operation, services, as well as telecommunications and technology businesses.
As the Target Company will become an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company upon completion of the Proposed Acquisition, the continuing transactions entered into or to be entered into between the Group on one side, and each of the Doo’s Associate Group, the NWD Group, the NWS Group, the CTFE Group or the CTFJ Group on the other will respectively become continuing connected transactions of the Company under the Listing Rules.
To the best knowledge of the Directors, the NWD Group is principally engaged in property development, property investment and investment in and/or operation of roads, commercial aircraft leasing, construction, insurance, hotels and other strategic businesses.
INFORMATION RELATING TO NWD NWD Group is principally engaged in investments in the areas of property, infrastructure, hotel operation, department store operation, services as well as telecommunications and technology.
The figure represents the aggregate shareholding of the NWD Group and parties presumed to be acting in concert with NWD under the Takeovers Code.