Objective 4 definition

Objective 4. Establish whether uttroside B in an orthotopic xenograft liver cancer model is metabolized.
Objective 4. The development of a method to combine recovery effects in a summarising ‘catchment’ metric. Together with XXX, ALTERRA drafted a framework for the final WP5.1/WP6.4 synthesis and discussed this during the midterm meeting in Poland with all partners.
Objective 4. Spectroscopic methods for in-field isotope ratio measurements of carbon dioxide and methane Schematic drawing of the two most common calibration approaches that can be used for OIRS measurements for delta scale calibration (left panel). 1. Infrastructure requirements such as remote-control options, rain protection and stability of the power supply including options to handle differently long power supply failures, 2. Maintenance requirements such as replacement of drying material, calibration cylinders or f ilters 3. Instrumental requirements such as required temperature stability, required f low rates and pressures as well as operational ranges (pressure p, temperature T and f low rate Φ) 4. Expected measurement ranges (amount f raction χ and delta value δ), instrument ranges (χ and δ) & detection limits (χ) such as expected variability of χ and δ during the experiment and guaranteed specification ranges of the instrument . 5. Consumables such as purging and calibration gases, f ilters 6. Sample preparation systems such as dryers and preconcentration setups (see e.g., the setup used by NPL and EMPA, in this report, for dual isotope analysis of CH4) 7. Auxiliary measurements such as temperature and humidity sensors or additional CO2/CH4/H2O analysers. Further information is provided by station specifications of monitoring networks such as ICOS or WMO XXX.

Examples of Objective 4 in a sentence

  • Objective 4: Maximize the public safety returns on Maryland’s corrections spending.Output:● Percentage decline in prison population.

  • Objective 4 Displaying knowledge of the skills and responsibilities essential to solo and small firm legal practice, such as business planning, office management, and the establishment and maintenance of client trust accounts.

  • SC&A reviewed the site profile with respect to Objective 4, which requires SC&A to identify common elements within site profiles completed or reviewed to date, as appropriate.

  • Objective 4 – Increase training of state employees in the area of fair housing.

  • The Company shall pay all Transfer Agent fees (including, without limitation, any fees required for same-day processing of any instruction letter delivered by the Company and any exercise notice delivered by a Holder), stamp taxes and other taxes and duties levied in connection with the delivery of any Securities to the Holders.

More Definitions of Objective 4

Objective 4. An accountability process for following up. PRO TIP: Train a big enough pool of candidates so you have alternates to fill open spots if you lose some during the year. XxxXxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx 3 X Have clear written expectations for MOs and include schedules (for training, debriefs, check-ins, etc.), data collection requirements, conduct, dress, confidentiality, and sharing of information. X Set specific goals for MOs, such as number of contacts or New Ed cards per week, number of recruits, number of work hours per week expected, etc. X Create a contract and handbook for Member Organizers with all the materials needed for record-keeping, payroll, training guides, etc. Include enough time in your training plan to go over these items. X Encourage success and be enthusiastic about their potential for success. X Designate start and end dates for the Member Organizer Program. Not every Association rep/building rep is cut out to be a Member Organizer. Consider other individuals who might have shown interest but are not currently in a leadership role. Appendix A: Ohio Member Ambassador Priorities; and Appendix B: Alabama Independent Contractor Agreement and Member Organizer Voucher Form. PRO TIP: Engaging Early Career Educators (ECEs) as Member Organizers has a dual purpose:
Objective 4. Spectroscopic methods for in-field isotope ratio measurements of carbon dioxide and methane
Objective 4. The administration should be enabled to deliver the services corresponding to an effective GI-protection system (e.g. administration of the register; examination of the applications, support for producers). In this respect, a certification body for GIs certification and control shall be established.
Objective 4. To maintain equality in Student Satisfaction. Measure:
Objective 4. By December 2019, develop a brief survey that would be administered to patients that refuse treatment to identify the reason(s) why patients refuse treatment. Due to staffing issues at the two largest metropolitan regions that account for a large number of patients with TBI, it was decided that administering a survey to patients would be an added burden and was not pursued.
Objective 4. Determine whether smolts released from the rearing and acclimation facilities disperse and migrate downstream without impacting the natural population.
Objective 4. Establish a mentoring program for junior faculty members in nuclear-related fields to promote sustained professional development.