Obsolete electronic part definition

Obsolete electronic part means an electronic part that is no longer available from the original manufacturer or an authorized aftermarket manufacturer.
Obsolete electronic part means an electronic part that is no longer in production by the original manufacturer or an aftermarket manufacturer that has been provided express written authorization from the current design activity or original manufacturer.
Obsolete electronic part means an electronic part that is no longer available from the original manufacturer or an authorized aftermarket manufacturer. Original component manufacturer means an organization that designs and/or engineers a part and is entitled to any intellectual property rights to that part.

Examples of Obsolete electronic part in a sentence

  • Obsolete electronic part means an electronic part that is no longer available from the original manufacturer or an authorized aftermarket manufacturer.

  • Obsolete electronic part means an electronic part that is no longer in production by the original manufacturer or an aftermarket manufacturer that has been provided express written authorization from the current design activity or original manufacturer.

  • Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) –A company that manufactures products that it has from purchased components and sells those products under the company’s brand nameObsolete Electronic Part – Obsolete electronic part means an electronic part that is no longer in production by the original manufacturer or an aftermarket manufacturer that has been provided express written authorization from the current design activity or original manufacturer.

  • Obsolete Electronic Part: Obsolete electronic part means an electronic part that is no longer in production by the original manufacturer or an aftermarket manufacturer that has been provided express written authorization from the current design activity or original manufacturer.

  • Obsolete electronic part means an elec- tronic part that is no longer available from the original manufacturer or an authorized aftermarket manufacturer.Offset means a benefit or obligation agreed to by a contractor and a foreign government or international organiza- tion as an inducement or condition to purchase supplies or services pursuant to a foreign military sale (FMS).

  • Obsolete electronic part means an electronic part that is no longer available from the original manufacturer or an authorized aftermarket manufacturer.Original component manufacturer means an organization that designs and/or engineers a part and is entitled to any intellectual property rights to that part.

  • Summary of Proposed Changes RY24 payment methods for in-state acute outpatient hospital services include changes from the RY23 payment methods, including the following.

  • Obsolete electronic part means an electronic part that is no longer available from the original manufacturer or an au manufacturer.

More Definitions of Obsolete electronic part

Obsolete electronic part means an electronic part that is no longer in production by the original manufacturer or an aftermarket manufacturer that has been provided express written authorization from the current design authority or original manufacturer. This particular DFARS rule requires contractors to control obsolete electronic parts.
Obsolete electronic part means an electronic part that is no longer in production by the original manufacturer or an aftermarket manufacturer that has been provided express written authorization from the current design activity or original manufacturer. “Suspect counterfeit electronic part” means an electronic part for which credible evidence (including, but not limited to, visual inspection or testing) provides reasonable doubt that the electronic part is authentic.

Related to Obsolete electronic part

  • Electronic part means an integrated circuit, a discrete electronic component (including, but not limited to, a transistor, capacitor, resistor, or diode), or a circuit assembly (section 818(f)(2) of Pub. L. 112-81).

  • Counterfeit electronic part means an unlawful or unauthorized reproduction, substitution, or alteration that has been knowingly mismarked, misidentified, or otherwise misrepresented to be an authentic, unmodified electronic part from the original manufacturer, or a source with the express written authority of the original manufacturer or current design activity, including an authorized aftermarket manufacturer. Unlawful or unauthorized substitution includes used electronic parts represented as new, or the false identification of grade, serial number, lot number, date code, or performance characteristics.

  • Electronic Payment means a wire transfer or an ACH credit transfer.

  • Electronic PHI means PHI created, received, maintained or transmitted electronically in accordance with 45 CFR § 160.103.

  • Electronic Version/Copy means a digital form consisting of text, images or both readable on computers or other electronic devices that includes all content that the Original and Hard Copy proposals contain. The digital form may be submitted using a compact disc (cd) or USB flash drive. The electronic version/copy can NOT be emailed.

  • Electronic Notice shall be deemed written notice for purposes of this Section 13 if sent to the electronic mail address specified by the receiving party under separate cover. Electronic Notice shall be deemed received at the time the party sending Electronic Notice receives verification of receipt by the receiving party. Any party receiving Electronic Notice may request and shall be entitled to receive the notice on paper, in a nonelectronic form (“Nonelectronic Notice”) which shall be sent to the requesting party within ten (10) days of receipt of the written request for Nonelectronic Notice.

  • Electronic Payment System means a payment system that generates any transfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by cash, check, or similar paper instrument, which is initiated through an electronic terminal, telephone, mobile phone, computer, or magnetic tape, for the purpose of ordering, instructing or authorizing a financial institution to debit or credit an account. The term includes debit cards, wire transfers, transfers made at automatic teller machines, and point-of-sale terminals.

  • Electronic filing means a document that is filed under securities legislation or securities directions in electronic format or the act of filing a document under securities legislation or securities directions in electronic format, as the context indicates;

  • Chronic pain means persistent or episodic pain of a duration or intensity that adversely affects the functioning or well-being of a patient when (1) no relief or cure for the cause of pain is possible; (2) no relief or cure for the cause of pain has been found; or (3) relief or cure for the cause of pain through other medical procedures would adversely affect the well-being of the patient. If pain persists beyond the anticipated healing period of a few weeks, patients should be thoroughly evaluated for the presence of chronic pain.

  • Electronic File means any text, illustration or other matter supplied or produced by either Party in digitised form on disc, through a modem, or by ISDN or any other communication link.

  • Electronic act means the creation or transmission originated on or off the schoolsite, by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone, or other wireless communication device, computer, or pager, of a communication, including, but not limited to, any of the following:

  • Electronic cigarette means any oral device that provides a vapor of liquid nicotine, lobelia, and/or other similar substance, and the use or inhalation of which simulates smoking. The term shall include any such devices, whether they are manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, or under another product name or descriptor.

  • Electronic Submission means a successful submittal of Offeror’s proposal.

  • Electronic Ledger means the electronic master record of the retail installment sales contracts or installment loans of the Servicer.

  • electronic address means any number or address used for the purposes of sending or receiving notices, documents or information by electronic means;

  • Electronic information means any information stored in an electronic form (including but not limited to binary-encoded information).

  • Electronic Waste means a: computer; computer monitor; computer peripheral device containing a cathode ray tube; printer; or television sold to a covered entity. “Electronic waste” does not include: any motor vehicle or any part thereof; a camera or video camera; a portable or stationary radio; a wireless telephone; a household appliance, such as a clothes washer, clothes dryer, water heater, refrigerator, freezer, microwave oven, oven, range, or dishwasher; equipment that is functionally or physically part of a larger piece of equipment intended for use in an industrial, research and development, or commercial setting; security or antiterrorism equipment; monitoring and control instruments or systems; thermostats; handheld transceivers; a telephone of any type; a portable digital assistant or similar device; a calculator; a global positioning system receiver or similar navigation device; commercial medical equipment that contains a cathode ray tube, a cathode ray tube device, a flat panel display, or similar video display that is not separate from the larger piece of equipment; or other medical devices, as the term “device” is defined under 21 U.S.C. § 321(h) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as that section is amended from time to time.

  • Electronic terminal means an elec- tronic device, other than a telephone operated by a consumer, through which a consumer may initiate an electronic fund transfer. The term includes, but is not limited to, point-of-sale terminals, automated teller machines, and cash dispensing machines.

  • Electronic agent means a computer program or an electronic or other automated means used independently to initiate an action or respond to electronic records or performances in whole or in part, without review or action by an individual.

  • Electronic Version/Copy means a digital form consisting of text, images or both readable on computers or other electronic devices that includes all content that the Original and Hard Copy proposals contain. The digital form may be submitted using a compact disc (cd) or USB flash drive. The electronic version/copy can NOT be emailed.

  • Electronic Record(s means the electronic record as defined under clause (t) of subsection (1) of section 2 of the Information Technology Act, 2000.

  • Electronic File Transfer means any system or process that utilizes an electronic format and protocol to send or receive data files.

  • Public Electronic Communications Network means an Electronic Communications Network provided wholly or mainly for the purpose of making Electronic Communications Services available to members of the public;

  • electronic cash ledger means the electronic cash ledger referred to in sub-section (1) of section 49;

  • Electronic Ticket means the Itinerary/Receipt issued by us or on our behalf, the Electronic Coupons and, if applicable, a boarding document.