ODE definition
Examples of ODE in a sentence
The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) is legislatively required to adjust/reconcile funding as enrollment information is updated by schools throughout the State, which can extend past the fiscal year end.
Code Section 3314.08, ODE may also perform a FTE Review subsequent to the fiscal year end that may result in an additional adjustment to the enrollment information as well as claw backs of Foundation funding due to a lack of evidence to support student participation and other matters of noncompliance.
The District maintains an education management information system and submits data to ODE pursuant to rule 3301-14-01 of the Administrative Code.
All volunteer coaches are contingent upon proper certification and paperwork required by ODE for volunteer coaches.
In the following section, teams will document their school’s approach to the CDC, OHA and ODE advised health and safety measures at baseline, during increased COVID-19 transmission, and as they roll back the increased mitigating measures, incorporating lessons learned.