Official device means any device prescribed or authorized by the director for use in applying any official mark.
Official device means a stamping applicance, branding device, stencil, printed label, or any other mechani- cally or manually operated tool that is approved by the Administrator for the purpose of applying any official mark or other identification to any product or the packaging material thereof.A
Official device means any device prescribed or authorized by the board for use in applying an official mark.
Examples of Official device in a sentence
Official device" means any device prescribed or authorized by the board for use in applying an official mark.
Ideally, an employee should use an Official device for only official purposes.
Official device" means a device authorized by the commissioner for use in applying an official mark.[PL 1999, c.
The result is that the organization in fact has access to personal information stored or transmitted through the Official device and can monitor personal activities carried out with the Official Device.An organization can deploy DLP software in Personal Devices that are used to access the organization’s IT Assets.
More Definitions of Official device
Official device means any device prescribed or authorized by
Official device means a stamping appliance, branding device, stencil, printed label, or any other mechani- cally or manually operated tool that is approved by the Administrator for the purpose of applying any official mark or other identification to any product or the packaging material thereof.[28 FR 6341, June 20, 1963. Redesignated at 42FR 32514, June 27, 1977, and further redesig-nated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981] Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA § 56.6 GENERAL§ 56.3 Administration.The Administrator shall perform, for and under the supervision of the Sec- retary, such duties as the Secretary may require in the enforcement or ad- than 1 case, a minimum of 50 eggs shall be examined. If the lot consists of less than 50 eggs, all eggs will be examined.MINIMUM NUMBER OF CASES COMPRISING AREPRESENTATIVE SAMPLECases inministration of the provisions of the Act and the regulations in this part.Cases in lotsampleThe Administrator is authorized to waive for limited periods any par- ticular provisions of the regulations in this part to permit experimentation so that new procedures, equipment, and processing techniques may be tested to facilitate definite improvements and at the same time to determine full com- pliance with the spirit and intent of the regulations in this part. The AMS and its officers and employees shall not be liable in damages through acts of commission or omission in the admin- istration of this part.[20 FR 670, Feb. 1, 1955, as amended at 38 FR26798, Sept. 26, 1973; 42 FR 2970, Jan. 14, 1977.Redesignated at 42 FR 32514, June 27, 1977,further redesignated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31,1981, as amended at 60 FR 12402, Mar. 7, 1995;71 FR 42007, July 24, 2006]§ 56.4 Basis of grading service.(a) Any grading service in accordance with the regulations in this part shall be for class, quality, quantity, or con- dition or any combination thereof. Grading service with respect to the de- termination of the quality of products shall be on the basis of the ‘‘United States Standards, Grades, and Weight Classes for Egg Shells.’’ However, grad- ing service may be rendered with re- spect to products which are bought and sold on the basis of institutional con- tract specifications or specifications of the applicant and such service, when approved by the Administrator, shall be rendered on the basis of such speci- fications. The supervision of packaging shall be in accordance with such in- structions as may be approved or issued by the Administrator.(b) Whenever grading service...
Official device means any roller, stamp, brand or other device used under the regulations to mark any products or the immediate or shipping containers, thereof, with any official mark or other official identification.ADMINISTRATION
Official device means a stamping appliance branding device, stencil, printed label or any other mechani- cally or manually operated tool that is approved by the Administrator for the purpose of applying any official mark or other identification to any product or the packaging material thereof. § 28.177 § 28.177 Request for classification and comparison of cotton.The applicant shall make a separate written request, on a form supplied by the Division, for each lot or mark of cotton which the applicant desires classified or compared separately. The same applicant shall not file more than one request for the classification or comparison of the same cotton within any 30-day period except for a review classification or comparison as pro- vided in § 28.181. All requests for classi- fication or comparison in the United States shall be filed with the Classing Office which serves the territory in which the samples are located. If the cotton is stored outside the United States the request shall be filed with the Classing Office designated by the Director. The Area Director of any Classing Office may refer any request and the samples submitted to another office or to the Quality Control Section for classification or comparison.[52 FR 30884, Aug. 18, 1987]§ 28.178 Submission of cotton samples.Samples of cotton submitted to a Classing Office for classification and/or comparison shall be drawn from both sides of the bale and shall be delivered to the Classing Office with which the request was filed, as soon as possible after the filing of such request. All such samples shall be enclosed in one or more wrappers, which shall be la- beled or marked, or both, in such man- ner as to show the name and address of the owner, the lot number or marks, if any, the number of bales represented by the samples in each wrapper, and such other information as may be nec- essary in accordance with the instruc- tions of the Area Director. All trans- portation charges incident to the sub- mission of samples shall be prepaid by the party making the request or the re- quester’s agent.[52 FR 30884, Aug. 18, 1987] § 28.179 Methods of cotton classifica- tion and comparison.The classification of samples from cotton produced outside the conti- nental United States shall be on the basis of the official cotton standards of the United States in effect at the time7 CFR Ch. I (1–1–15 Edition)of classification. When a comparison of such cotton samples with other actual samples or with a type is requested, the procedure ...
Official device means a printed label, or other method as approved by the Secretary for the purpose of apply- ing any official mark or other identi- fication to any product of the pack- aging material thereof.Administration§ 592.10 Authority.The Administrator shall perform, for and under the supervision of the Sec- retary, such duties as the Secretary may require in the enforcement or ad- ministration of the provisions of the Act and this part. The Administrator is authorized to waive for a limited pe- riod any particular provisions of the regulations in this part to permit ex- perimentation so that new procedures, equipment, and processing techniques may be tested to facilitate definite im- provements and at the same time to determine full compliance with the spirit and intent of the regulations in this part. The Food Safety Inspection Service and its officers and employees shall not be liable in damages through acts of commission or omission in the administration of this part.General§ 592.20 Kinds of services available.The regulations in this part provide for the following kinds of services:(a) Inspection of the processing in of- ficial plants of products containing eggs;(b) Sampling of products; and(c) Quantity and condition inspection of products.(d) Export certification. Upon applica- tion, by any person intending to export any egg product, inspectors may make certifications regarding products for human food purposes, to be exported, as meeting conditions or standards that are not imposed or are in addition to those imposed by the regulations in the part and the laws under which such regulations were issued.[69 FR 1648, Jan. 12, 2004, as amended at 81FR 42235, June 29, 2016]9 CFR Ch. III (1–1–21 Edition)§ 592.22 Where service is offered.Any product may be inspected wher- ever inspection program personnel are available and the facilities and the conditions are satisfactory for the con- duct of the service.§ 592.24 Basis of service.(a) Products shall be inspected in ac- cordance with such standards, meth- ods, and instructions as may be issued or approved by the Administrator. All service shall be subject to supervision at all times by the applicable FSIS des- ignated supervisor. Whenever the su- pervisor of an inspection program per- son has evidence that such inspection program employee incorrectly in- spected a product, such supervisor shall take such action as is necessary to correct the inspection and to cause any improper official identification that appears on t...
Official device means a stamping appliance, branding device, stencil, printed label, or any other mechani- cally or manually operated tool that is approved by the Administrator for the purpose of applying any official mark or other identification to any product or the packaging material thereof.[28 FR 6341, June 20, 1963. Redesignated at 42FR 32514, June 27, 1977, and further redesig-nated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981] Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA § 56.6 GENERAL
Official device means a stampingappliance branding device, stencil, printed label or any other mechani- cally or manually operated tool that is § 28.177approved by the Administrator for the purpose of applying any official mark or other identification to any product or the packaging material thereof.[22 FR 10930, Dec. 28, 1957, as amended at 81FR 7030, Feb. 10, 2016] § 28.177 Request for classification and comparison of cotton.The applicant shall make a separate request, using an application supplied by the Program, for each lot or mark of cotton that the applicant desires classified or compared separately. All requests for classification or compari- son shall be filed with the Quality As- surance Division or the Classing Office designated by the Deputy Adminis- trator of the Cotton and Tobacco Pro- gram.[81 FR 7030, Feb. 10, 2016]§ 28.178 Submission of cotton samples.Samples for foreign-growth cotton classification or comparison shall be drawn, handled, identified, and shipped according to the methods and proce- dures specified in this section. Any samples or set of samples which do not meet these specified requirements may be rejected by the Program.(a) Samples shall be freshly drawn.(b) Each sample shall consist of two portions, one drawn from each side of the bale. Each portion shall be at least six (6) inches (15.25 cm) wide and ap- proximately twelve (12) inches (30.5 cm) long and shall weigh at least eight (8) ounces (227 grams).(c) Dressing, trimming, or discarding part of the sample is prohibited. No part of the cotton or pieces of bagging, leaf, grass, dirt, sand, or any other ma- terial shall be removed from either side of the sample.(d) A barcoded coupon showing the correct location/warehouse code and bale number along with the name and address of owner/owner’s agent shall be placed between the two portions of each sample.