Examples of Old Plans in a sentence
Upper limit of the money trusted by the Company and the number of Stocks acquired by the Trust The Company allots the money up to JPY202 million (in which, JPY121 million is for Directors of the Company (excluding Outside Directors), JPY81 million as equivalents to the cumulative points granted to the eligible persons by Old Plans) and sets up the Trust (succeeds the position as consigner) regarding Directors, etc.
Shares of Common Stock that as of the Effective Date have not been issued under any of the Old Plans and are not covered by outstanding awards under such plans granted on or before the Effective Date, shall not be available for Awards under the Plan.
Previous restructuring plans, referred to as "Old Plans", that were consolidated into the 2011 plan in the fourth quarter of 2011 are now complete.
Outstanding grants under the Old Plans will continue to be governed by the terms of such grants and the terms of the Old Plans under which they were issued.
However, without further stockholder approval, no Incentive Stock Option may be granted under the Plan on or after December 1, 2014.1.4 Termination of Old Plans.