Examples of Online Booking in a sentence
Please be informed that:Held fare is the fare which you have locked while booking the flight for a particular journey for purchasing later within the lock-in period.Booking needs to be done from an Online Booking Channel or through an aggregator or from Airline website.The expiry of the Lock-in Period should be at least 72 hours before the departure date.
Similarly 12.3% populations were in foreign employee, 10.5 percent in household works, 8.5 percent in daily wages and 5.0 percent in service.
Please be informed that:Held fare is the fare which you have locked while booking the flight for a particular journey for purchasing later but within the lock-in period.Booking needs to be done from an Online Booking Channel or through an aggregator or from an Airline website.The expiry of the Locking Period should be at least 72 hours before the Departure date.
The onus rests on User to ensure that the details pertaining to his/her Online Booking is correct, and the Company will not refund the User for any Online Booking erroneously made by the User, other than in terms of clauses 10, 11 or 12 below, whichever is applicable.
Either you or your instructor can access the Ryerson Test Centre and Online Booking System to schedule the make-up test/exam.
American Express Travel can be reached at:Online (American Express Online Booking Tool):xxx By telephone:Reservation line: xxx (Canada & USA only) or call collect atxxx (Worldwide).Once connected please select your language preference and then option 2 for off-line bookings.By e-mail:Outside e-mail: xxxOffice hours: Mon – Fri 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ESTEmergency Travel Arrangements: After normal business hours, travellers may use American Express’ 24 hour toll free Emergency Travel Centre.
Cancellation of any Online Booking, will be subject to the cancellation fees stipulated in 10, 11 or 12 below, whichever is applicable.
It is not charged or billed by Air India Limited and hence will not be included in the Online Booking Confirmation email sent to you.Effective 1 August 2009, Reserve Bank of India has made it mandatory for all banks to implement additional verification and validation procedures in all cases of "card not present transactions".
To the extent permitted by law, we are not in any way liable to any party for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or loss (without limitation including loss of information or damage to systems due to viruses or other harmful components) arising from the access to and use of Patient Online Booking and or our Services.
Table I shows5 the TINA-SELT exploration time and the amount of configurations and transitions in the LTS for different complexities (N indicates the number of considered actors).