Examples of Operational cost savings in a sentence
Operational cost savings achieved by predictive and targeted maintenance, also inputs to new maintenance and operational models for integrity pro- grams.• The initial findings of this case study indicate that the oper- ator can continue with a low level of inspection.
Operational cost savings could be captured through common program administration and energy procurement activities.
Operational cost savings from the transformation initiatives and efficiency through process improvement are expected to continue to contribute positively to the Malaysian operations in the coming quarters.
They include: Capital cost savings associated with future planned plant upgrades and cyclical replacement programs; Operational cost savings in the form of lower maintenance and operating expenses inherent to features of the new, upgraded/higher-class replacement pole, or as a result of the earlier time shift of the removal and installation of the new pole, given the generally rising costs of labor and material over time as measured by published industry cost indices.”).
Operational cost savings and higher revenue, along with revisions of the trunk road programme, could help ensure prudent borrowing and other means of financing a City Transport Strategy as a key element in Scotland’s Transport Future.