Other Capacity Attributes definition

Other Capacity Attributes means, exclusive of System RA Attributes, Local RA Attributes and Flexible RA Attributes, any (a) current or future capacity characteristics or attributes, including the ability to generate or charge at given capacity levels, the ability to provide Ancillary Services, the ability to ramp up or down at a given rate, flexibility or dispatchability attributes, and locational attributes, as may be identified at any time during the Delivery Term by any applicable Law, or voluntary or mandatory program of any Governmental Authority or other Person; and (b) certificate, tag, or credit, intended to commoditize or otherwise attribute value resulting from or associated with the characteristics set forth in subsection (a) of this definition; and (c) any accounting construct so that the characteristics or values set forth in subsections (a) or (b) hereof may be counted toward any Compliance Obligations.
Other Capacity Attributes means, exclusive of System RA Attributes, Local RA Attributes and Flexible RA Attributes, any (a) current or future capacity characteristics or attributes, including the ability to generate or charge at given capacity levels, the ability to provide Ancillary Services, the ability to ramp up or down at a given rate, flexibility or dispatchability attributes, and locational attributes, as may be identified at any time during the Shown Term by any applicable Law, or voluntary or mandatory program of any Governmental Authority or other Person; and (b) certificate, tag, or credit, intended to commoditize or otherwise attribute value resulting from or associated with the characteristics set forth in subsection (a) of this definition.
Other Capacity Attributes means, exclusive of RA Attributes and Flexible RA Attributes, any (a) current or future defined capacity characteristics of the Project, including the ability to generate or charge at given capacity levels, the ability to provide Ancillary Services, the ability to ramp up or down at a given rate, flexibility or dispatchability attributes, and locational attributes; (b) certificate, tag, or credit, intended to commoditize or otherwise attribute value resulting from or associated with the characteristics set forth in subsection (a) of this definition; and (c) any accounting construct so that the characteristics or values set forth in subsections (a) or (b) hereof may be counted toward any Compliance Obligations.

Examples of Other Capacity Attributes in a sentence

  • Provider’s commitment hereunder reduces CPE’s overall local procurement obligation thereby reducing the total procurement costs that the CPE incurs on behalf of all LSEs within PG&E’s distribution service area, including the Provider, and allows Provider to retain the System RA Attributes, Flexible RA Attributes and Other Capacity Attributes of the Showing Quantity.

  • Provider’s commitment hereunder reduces CPE’s overall local procurement obligation thereby reducing the total procurement costs that the CPE incurs on behalf of all LSEs within PG&E’s distribution service area, including the Provider, and allows Provider to retain the value of the System RA Attributes, Flexible RA Attributes and Other Capacity Attributes of the Showing Quantity; the CPE retains only the Local RA Attributes of the Showing Quantity.

  • The sum of the amount of (i) RA Attributes, (ii) Flexible RA Attributes , and (iii) Other Capacity Attributes from the Project that Seller submits in its Supply Plan in the applicable Showing Month, shall be deemed to be the amount of Product that Seller has delivered for such Showing Month (“Delivered Quantity”).

  • Provider’s commitment hereunder reduces CPE’s overall local procurement obligation thereby reducing the total procurement costs that the CPE incurs on behalf of all LSEs within PG&E’s distribution service area, including the Provider, and allows Provider to retain the value of the System RA Attributes, Flexible RA Attributes and Other Capacity Attributes of the Showing Quantity; the CPE retains only the Local RA Attributes of the Showing Quantity..

  • If Seller is unable to deliver Product at the Contract Quantities for any reason, Buyer shall pay Seller for the ratio of (x) the Delivered Quantity to (y) the sum of the Contract Quantities for RA Attributes, Flexible RA Attributes, and Other Capacity Attributes, all as multiplied by (z) the Payment Quantity (“Confirmed Quantity”) as shown in the equation below; and the Energy Settlement will be reduced to reflect the Confirmed Quantity.

  • The sum of the amount of (i) RA Attributes, (ii) Flexible RA Attributes, and (iii) Other Capacity Attributes from the Project that Seller submits in its Supply Plan in the applicable Showing Month shall be deemed to be the amount of Product that Seller has delivered for such Showing Month (“Delivered Quantity”).

  • If Seller is unable to deliver Product at the Contract Quantities for any reason, Buyer shall pay Seller for the ratio of (x) the Delivered Quantity to (y) the sum of the Contract Quantities for RA Attributes, Flexible RA Attributes, and Other Capacity Attributes, all as multiplied by (z) the Payment Quantity (“Confirmed Quantity”) as shown in the equation below; and the Variable Settlement will be reduced to reflect the Confirmed Quantity.

  • If Seller is unable to deliver Product at the Contract Quantities for any reason, Buyer shall pay Seller for the ratio of (x) the Delivered Quantity to (y) the sum of the Contract Quantities for RA Attributes, Flexible RA Attributes, and Other Capacity Attributes, all as multiplied by (z) the Payment Quantity (“Confirmed Quantity”) as shown in the equation below.

More Definitions of Other Capacity Attributes

Other Capacity Attributes means, exclusive of System RA Attributes, Local RA Attributes, and Flexible RA Attributes, any (a) current or future capacity characteristics or attributes, including the ability to generate or charge at given capacity levels, the ability to provide Ancillary Services, the ability to ramp up or down at a given rate, flexibility or dispatchability attributes, and locational attributes, as may be identified at any time during the Delivery Term by any applicable Law, or voluntary or mandatory program of any Governmental Authority or other Person; (b) certificate, tag, or credit, intended to commoditize or otherwise attribute value resulting from or associated with the characteristics set forth in subsection (a) of this definition; and (c) any accounting construct so that the characteristics or values set forth in subsections (a) or (b) hereof may be counted toward any RAR Compliance Obligations. Other Capacity Attributes may include, but are not limited to, attributes resulting from or established pursuant to any construct adopted in any current or future regulatory proceedings that changes the basis for evaluation of Resource Adequacy demonstrations, including an unforced capacity construct or any similar construct developed as part of (1) any CAISO stakeholder initiative and approved by FERC or (2) the CPUC’s adopted Resource Adequacy program (or successor framework), as it may be modified from time to time.
Other Capacity Attributes means, exclusive of RA Attributes, Local RA Attributes, and Flexible RA Attributes, any (a) current or future capacity characteristics or attributes, including the ability to generate or charge at given capacity levels, the ability to ramp up or down at a given rate, flexibility or dispatchability attributes, and locational attributes, as may be
Other Capacity Attributes means, exclusive of System RA Attributes, Local RA Attributes, and Flexible RA Attributes, any (a) current or future capacity characteristics or attributes, including the ability to generate or charge at given capacity levels, the ability to ramp up or down at a given rate, flexibility or dispatchability attributes, and locational attributes, as may be identified at any time during the Delivery Term by any applicable Law, or voluntary or mandatory program of any Governmental Authority or other Person, (b) certificate, tag, or credit, intended to commoditize or otherwise attribute value resulting from or associated with the characteristics set forth in subsection (a) of this definition, and (c) any accounting construct so that the characteristics or values set forth in subsections (a) or (b) hereof may be counted toward any Compliance Obligations.
Other Capacity Attributes means, exclusive of System RA Attributes, Local RA Attributes, and Flexible RA Attributes, any (a) current or future capacity characteristics or attributes, including the ability to generate or charge at given capacity levels, the ability to provide Ancillary Services, the ability to ramp up or down at a given rate, flexibility or dispatchability attributes, and locational attributes, as may be identified at any time during the Term by any applicable Law, or voluntary or mandatory program of any Governmental Authority or other Person; (b) certificate, tag, or credit, intended to commoditize or otherwise attribute value resulting from or associated with the characteristics set forth in subsection (a) of this definition; and (c) any accounting construct so that the characteristics or values set forth in subsections (a) or (b) hereof may be counted toward any RAR Compliance Obligations. Other Capacity Attributes may include, but are not limited to, attributes resulting from or established pursuant to any construct adopted in any current or future regulatory proceedings that changes the basis for evaluation of Resource Adequacy demonstrations, including an unforced capacity construct or any similar construct developed as part of (1) any CAISO stakeholder initiative and approved by FERC or (2) the CPUC’s adopted Resource Adequacy program (or successor framework), as it may be modified from time to time.
Other Capacity Attributes means, exclusive of RA Attributes, Local RA Attributes,

Related to Other Capacity Attributes

  • Capacity Attributes means any and all current or future defined characteristics, certificates, tag, credits, ancillary service attributes, or accounting constructs, howsoever entitled, other than Resource Adequacy Benefits, attributed to or associated with the electricity generating capability of the Generating Facility.

  • Unforced Capacity shall have the meaning specified in the Reliability Assurance Agreement.

  • Interruptible Capacity means capacity that may be interrupted by the Operator at any time in order to fulfil shippers’ nominations under a firm capacity reservation.

  • Contract Capacity has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1(f).

  • Idle capacity means the unused capacity of partially used facilities. It is the difference between: (a) that which a facility could achieve under 100 percent operating time on a one-shift basis less operating interruptions resulting from time lost for repairs, setups, unsatisfactory materials, and other normal delays; and (b) the extent to which the facility was actually used to meet demands during the accounting period. A multi-shift basis should be used if it can be shown that this amount of usage would normally be expected for the type of facility involved.

  • Potential electrical output capacity means, with regard to a unit, 33 per- cent of the maximum design heat input of the unit.

  • System Capacity means the operational capacity of the System at any applicable point in time.

  • Local Capacity Area has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.

  • New Capacity means a new Generator, a substantial addition to the capacity of an existing Generator, or the reactivation of all or a portion of a Generator that has been out of service for five years or more that commences commercial service after the effective date of this definition. For purposes of Section 23.4.5 of this Attachment H, “Offer Floor” for a Mitigated Capacity Zone Installed Capacity Supplier that is not a Special Case Resource shall mean the lesser of (i) a numerical value equal to 75% of the Mitigation Net CONE translated into a seasonally adjusted monthly UCAP value (“Mitigation Net CONE Offer Floor”), or (ii) the numerical value that is the first year value of the Unit Net CONE determined as specified in Section, translated into a seasonally adjusted monthly UCAP value using an appropriate class outage rate, (“Unit Net CONE Offer Floor”). The Offer Floor for a Mitigated Capacity Zone Installed Capacity Supplier that is a Special Case Resource shall mean a numerical value determined as specified in Section The Offer Floor for Additional CRIS MW shall mean a numerical value determined as specified in Section For the purposes of Section 23.4.5 of this Attachment H, “Non-Qualifying Entry Sponsors” shall mean a Transmission Owner, Public Power Entity, or any other entity with a Transmission District in the NYCA, or an agency or instrumentality of New York State or a political subdivision thereof.

  • Excess capacity means volume or capacity in a duct, conduit, or support structure other than a utility pole or anchor which can be used, pursuant to the orders and regulations of the Commission, for a pole attachment.

  • Storage Capacity means any combination of space, injectability and deliverability.

  • Maximum Capacity or ‘Pmax’ means the maximum continuous active power which a power-generating module can produce, less any demand associated solely with facilitating the operation of that power-generating module and not fed into the network as specified in the connection agreement or as agreed between the relevant system operator and the power-generating facility owner;

  • Daily Unforced Capacity Obligation means the capacity obligation of a Load Serving Entity during the Delivery Year, determined in accordance with Reliability Assurance Agreement, Schedule 8, or, as to an FRR entity, in Reliability Assurance Agreement, Schedule 8.1. “Day-ahead Congestion Price” shall mean the Congestion Price resulting from the Day-ahead Energy Market.

  • Bid Capacity meanss capacity offered by the bidder in his Bid under invitation.

  • Contracted Capacity means the capacity (in MW AC) contracted with MSEDCL for supply by the successful bidder at the Delivery Point from the Solar Power Project.

  • Nameplate Capacity means the maximum electrical generating output (in MWe) that a generator can sustain over a specified period of time when not restricted by seasonal or other deratings as measured in accordance with the United States Department of Energy standards.

  • Project Capacity means the AC capacity of the project at the generating terminal(s) and to be contracted with MSEDCL for supply from the Solar Power Project.

  • Reserved Capacity means the maximum amount of capacity and energy that the Transmission Provider agrees to transmit for the Transmission Customer over the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System between the Point(s) of Receipt and the Point(s) of Delivery under Tariff, Part II. Reserved Capacity shall be expressed in terms of whole megawatts on a sixty (60) minute interval (commencing on the clock hour) basis.

  • Installed Capacity or 'IC’ means the summation of the name plate capacities of all the units of the generating station or the capacity of the generating station (reckoned at the generator terminals), approved by the Commission from time to time;

  • Nominal Capacity means the volume indicated by the manufacturer that represents the maximum recommended filling level.

  • Alternate Fuel Capability means a situation where an alternate fuel could have been utilized whether or not the facilities for such use have actually been installed; provided however, where the use of natural gas is for plant protection, feedstock or process uses and the only alternate fuel is propane or other gaseous fuel, then the Buyer will be treated as if he had no altemate fuel capability.

  • Licensed capacity means the number of children the Department has determined the day care home can care for at any one time in addition to any children living in the home who are under the age of 12 years. Children age 12 and over on the premises are not considered in determining licensed capacity.

  • Design capacity means the volume of a containment feature at a discharging facility that accommodates all permitted flows and meets all Aquifer Protection Permit conditions, including allowances for appropriate peaking and safety factors to ensure sustained, reliable operation.

  • Committed Capacity means that portion of the Capacity that is required to meet the Capacity Entitlements of Access Holders;

  • Green Attributes means any and all credits, benefits, emissions reductions, offsets, and allowances, howsoever entitled, attributable to the generation from the Project, and its avoided emission of pollutants. Green Attributes include but are not limited to Renewable Energy Credits, as well as: (1) any avoided emission of pollutants to the air, soil or water such as sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and other pollutants; (2) any avoided emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) that have been determined by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or otherwise by law, to contribute to the actual or potential threat of altering the Earth’s climate by trapping heat in the atmosphere;1 (3) the reporting rights to these avoided emissions, such as Green Tag Reporting Rights. Green Tag Reporting Rights are the right of a Green Tag Purchaser to report the ownership of accumulated Green Tags in compliance with federal or state law, if applicable, and to a federal or state agency or any other party at the Green Tag Purchaser’s discretion, and include without limitation those Green Tag Reporting Rights accruing under Section 1605(b) of The Energy Policy Act of 1992 and any present or future federal, state, or local law, regulation or xxxx, and international or foreign emissions trading program. Green Tags are accumulated on a MWh basis and one Green Tag represents the Green Attributes associated with one (1) MWh of Energy. Green Attributes do not include (i) any energy, capacity, reliability or other power attributes from the Project, (ii) production tax credits associated with the construction or operation of the Project and other financial incentives in the form of credits, reductions, or allowances associated with the project that are applicable to a state or federal income taxation obligation, (iii) fuel-related subsidies or “tipping fees” that may be paid to Seller to accept certain fuels, or local subsidies received by the generator for the destruction of particular preexisting pollutants or the promotion of local environmental benefits, or (iv) emission reduction credits encumbered or used by the Project for compliance with local, state, or federal operating and/or air quality permits. If the Project is a biomass or biogas facility and Seller receives any tradable Green Attributes based on the greenhouse gas reduction benefits or other emission offsets attributed to its fuel usage, it shall provide Buyer with sufficient Green Attributes to ensure that there are zero net emissions associated with the production of electricity from the Project.

  • Available Capacity means the capacity from the Project, expressed in whole megawatts, that is available to generate Product. [For As-Available Product facilities only]