Overhead Cost definition
Examples of Overhead Cost in a sentence
In situations where Time Dependent Overhead Costs are authorized, and the cost incurred exceeds 170% of the established Time Dependent Overhead Cost daily rate, then the Contractor may submit a claim under this article for consideration of such extraordinary additional cost.
The Design-Builder’s fee is the amount, established by and agreed to by both parties, that is the full amount of compensation due to the Design-Builder as gross profit, and for any and all expenses of the Project not included and identified as a Cost of the Work or the Design-Builder’s Overhead Cost, provided that the Design-Builder performs all the requirements of the Contract Documents within the time limits established.
The CM/GC’s fee is the amount, established by and agreed to by both parties, that is the full amount of compensation due to the CM/GC as gross profit, and for any and all expenses of the Project not included and identified as a Cost of the Work or the CM/GC’s Overhead Cost, provided that the CM/GC performs all the requirements of the Contract Documents within the time limits established.
In situations where Time Dependent Overhead Costs are authorized, and the actual cost incurred exceeds 170% of the established Time Dependent Overhead Cost daily rate, then the Design-Builder may submit a claim under this article for consideration of such extraordinary additional cost.
The maximum amount for the CM/GC’s Preconstruction Costs and Expenses and Construction Overhead Costs is inclusive of all direct and incidental expenses as described in Paragraph Maximum Preconstruction Costs and Expenses (from Attachment A) $ Maximum Construction Overhead Costs (from Attachment B) $ Total Maximum CM/GC Overhead Cost Allowance (sum of A + B) $ NB: Include “Attachment A” and” Attachment B” to this GM/CC Fee Proposal in the same sealed envelope.