Examples of Standard Cost in a sentence
Standard Cost = (Billed Charges x CCR) Outlier Payment = 80% of (Standard Cost - Threshold) Total Payments = Outlier Payments + (DRG Base Rate x (1 + (IDME)) Note: Noncovered charges should continue to be subtracted from the billed charges prior to multiplying the billed charges by the CCR.
The full Standard Cost of these items and activities will be funded by the Authority (100% Intervention Rate).
The Government strongly encourages that proposers use the provided MS ExcelTM DARPA Standard Cost Proposal Spreadsheet in the development of their cost proposals.
The hospice must document and dem- onstrate viable and ongoing efforts to recruit and retain volunteers.(d) Standard: Cost saving.
However, Grant funding for the Standard Cost Items is subject to an overall cap that limits the amount that will be paid to any Grant Recipient.