Park and ride lot definition

Park and ride lot means parking where commuters park private vehicles and either join together in carpools or vanpools, or board public transit at a stop located in the park and ride lot.
Park and ride lot means a parking lot owned, leased or used by the City for the benefit of transit passengers;
Park and ride lot. Vehicle parking specifically for the purpose of access to a public transit system. • Parking, Bicycle: A bicycle rack, locker or similar permanent installation providing for the secure storage of a bicycle in a manner that does not obstruct required sidewalks or walkways. • Parking Lot: An area not within a building where motor vehicles may be stored for the purposes of temporary, daily, or overnight off-street parking. See Appendix C, Section 2.9 and Appendix E, Section 3.11.

Examples of Park and ride lot in a sentence

  • Park and ride lot projects take into account the emissions due to the automobile trips to the lot.

  • Park and ride lot user origin-destination surveys may be provided by the applicant when available.

  • Mr. Kinard said that if Union County decided to discontinue the service, there are alternative such as the Matthews Park and ride lot and vanpools.

  • Park and ride lot: parking spaces cannot count as required parking or be used for vehicle storage.

  • Park and ride lot shall be fully operational prior to September 1, 2015.

  • Park and ride lot standards will ensure that transit will serve future residents, employees, and shoppers within the HPBD and regionally especially given the Hawks Prairie Business District’s proximity to Interstate 5.

  • Marginal investors are therefore considered to determine the market price of the investment.

  • Park and ride lot usage survey and staff report 6.0 FUNDING ALTERNATIVESAugment program funds for events and special projects by applying for eligible grants, working with the SJVAPCD and soliciting sponsorships for special events.

  • Parking lot operators may choose to install pay-per-use chargers that could generate revenue.Figure 5: Park and ride lot at Power Inn RoadCost-Benefit FindingsTask 3.2, EV Infrastructure Cost-Effectiveness Study for Sacramento, estimated the cost of complying with degrees of EV support during new construction.

  • Assumptions that were used to determine demand included the following: • Only one out of every four carpoolers will use a park and ride lot.• Every two person carpool will require one person to park their car; every three person carpool will require two people to park their car, etc.• Park and ride lot capacity will be adjusted for population growth out to twenty years.• The number of carpoolers that could use a park and ride facility could increase by up to 3% in the immediate market area.

More Definitions of Park and ride lot

Park and ride lot means a parking lot designed to allow
Park and ride lot means a transit station stop or a carpool or vanpool waiting area to which patrons may drive private vehicles for parking before gaining access to transit, commuter rail, or heavy rail systems or taking carpool or vanpool vehicles to their destinations.
Park and ride lot means areas within existing or newly developed surface parking areas where commuters park private vehicles and either join together in carpools or vanpools, or board public transit at a stop located in the park and ride lot.

Related to Park and ride lot

  • Front Yard means the yard extending across the full width of the lot between the front lot line and the nearest part of any building or structure on the lot.

  • Parking Lot means a building or land used for the parking or storage of ten or more motorcars or bakkies, or two or more buses or trucks, excluding −

  • Lot, Corner means a lot abutting upon two (2) or more streets at their intersection.

  • Basement means any area of the building having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides.