Examples of Particular Specification in a sentence
Clause 8 of each Standardized Specification, and the measurement and payment clause of each Particular Specification, read together with the relevant clauses of the Project Specifications, all set out which ancillary or associated activities are included in the rates for the specified operations.
Particular Specification and Special Condition as per manufacturer.
Should any requirement of the measurement and payment clause of the appropriate Standardized or Project Specification(s) be contrary to the terms of the Bill the requirement of the appropriate Standardized, Project, or Particular Specification as the case may be, shall prevail.
Clause 8 of each Standardized Specification and the measurement and payment clause of each Particular Specification, read together with the relevant clause of the Project Specification, set out what ancillary or associated activities are included in the rate for the operations specified.
Should any requirement of the measurement and payment clause of the appropriate Standardized or Project Specification(s) be contrary to the terms of the Bill or, when relevant, to the Civil Engineering Quantities, the requirement of the appropriate Standardized, Project, or Particular Specification as the case may be, shall prevail.
The incorporation of the SMM into the contract is effected by reference in the Particular Specification.
Description of Schedule of Quantities.2. Particular Specification and Special condition, if any.3. Drawings.4. C.
If any illegal occupation is found on the Site, the Contractor should initiate eviction action, provided it is specified under the Contract, such as in the Particular Specification (PS).
Should any requirement of the measurement and payment clause of the applicable Standardized Specification, or the Project Specification, or the Particular Specification(s) conflict with the terms of the Schedule or, when relevant ‘’Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridge Works for State Road Authorities, 1998 Edition", the requirement of the Standardized, Project or Particular Specification, as applicable, shall prevail.
Unless stated otherwise in the Particular Specification all pipe work shall be color coded in accordance with the latest edition of B.S 1710 and to the approval of the Engineer or Architect.