Examples of Permit Zone in a sentence
In a Workplace Permit Zone permits are transferable between vehicles, therefore the above does not apply.
To this end, it is recommended that the Parking Coordinator and Parking Advisory Committee initiate development of a Residential Parking Permit Zone (RPPZ) policy and program for future consideration and adoption by the City Council.
The Cabinet Committee considered a report detailing the responses to the further consultation of residents of Grafton Road, Bute Road and Euston Road (part) on the proposed extension of the Croydon CPZ (Controlled Parking Zone), North Permit Zone.
The Cabinet Committee RESOLVED: 1.1 to note the petitions.1.2 to agree that the Head of Parking Services proceed to give formal public notice under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) of the following proposals, and subject to no material objections being received, proceed to make the necessary Traffic Management Orders, to effect the following: 1.2.1 Extension of the Croydon Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) (East Outer Permit Zone) boundary to include Nos.
There are no car parks in the immediate vicinity but it has some limited free parking on-street that is shared with residents in the Residents’ Permit Zone C.
FILE NO: ACTION OF COUNTY ENGINEER: Recommendation to Advisory Agency: 🞎 Approval 🞎 Denial Comments: County Engineer Dated Must be signed and returned to Planning Department; to be copied to PC/ZANEVADA COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT LAND USE APPLICATIONPlease print or type in black inkType of application(s) for which you are applying: Tentative Map Ordinance Amendment Certificate of Compliance Use Permit Zone Change Voluntary Merger Development Permit General Plan Amendment Home Business Administrative Dev.
Future management strategies assumed for this area would be contingent on the parking activity, capacity, and utilization of all other parking zones. If parking spillover from Zones A or B results in inadequate parking availability for properties within the Peripheral Area, Residential/Area Permit Zone programs may be desired.
The owner policy may include a provision that automatically increases the amount of coverage by a percentage of the original amount each year for the first five years without additional cost.
The permits listed here exempt a vehicle from timed restrictions (e.g. 2P) and any Permit Zone where a specific type of vehicle is not specified, as long as the sign does not indicate ‘Permits are not allowed’.
A Resident Parking Only Permit Zone may be considered upon request from a resident, if there is a proven imbalance between the on-street parking supply and demand in the street in which the resident lives at a time, or during a particular period.