Order Number Sample Clauses

Order NumberCall to Receive an Order Number. An Authorized Person for the Participant will call the telephone representative at the number listed on the Fund’s order form (“Order Form”) not later than the cut-off time for placing Orders with the Fund as set forth in the Order Form (the “Order Cut-Off Time”) to receive an Order Number. Non-standard Orders generally must be arranged with the Fund in advance of Order placement. The Order Form (as may be revised from time to time) is incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement. Upon verifying the authenticity of the caller (as determined by the use of the appropriate PIN) and the terms of the Order, the telephone representative will issue a unique Order Number. All Orders with respect to the purchase or redemption of Creation Units are required to be in writing and accompanied by the designated Order Number. Incoming telephone calls are queued and will be handled in the sequence received. Calls placed before the Order Cut-Off Time will be processed even if the call is taken after this cut- off time. ACCORDINGLY, DO NOT HANG UP AND REDIAL. INCOMING CALLS THAT ARE ATTEMPTED LATER THAN THE ORDER CUT-OFF TIME WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. NOTE THAT THE TELEPHONE CALL IN WHICH THE ORDER NUMBER IS ISSUED INITIATES THE ORDER PROCESS BUT DOES NOT ALONE CONSTITUTE THE ORDER. AN ORDER IS ONLY COMPLETED AND PROCESSED UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS VIA THE ORDER FORM CONTAINING THE DESIGNATED ORDER NUMBER, AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUALS’ SIGNATURES AND TRANSMITTED BY FACSIMILE.
Order Number. The order number assigned by the Ordering Activity.
Order Number. I hereby acknowledge and agree to pay all charges, as above, and authorize work to begin.
Order Number. Select appropriate order number.
Order Number. Seller must show purchase order number on all invoices, shipping papers, correspondence and containers.
Order Number the reference number to be applied to an Order by the Supplier in accordance with clause 3.2.
Order Number. You can use our order numbering system or your own. If it is your own, all orders must have your Registration/Member number then the order number in the format xxxx.yyyyyy where xxxx is your Network Registration/Member number and yyyyyy (up to 6 numbers) is your order number. Only numbers are allowed. Please do not use the same number twice as our computer system may reject the order as a duplicate. Because of the pressure of demand, specific arrangements cannot be guaranteed for orders taken within 24 hours of Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day and Valentine's Day. You should advise that only appropriate flowers to the nominated value will be delivered. We ask you to provide a 2nd choice where possible and especially if a customer has requested tropical, native and/or specific coloured flowers. Where an order comprises flowers and other items, it will be assumed that flowers constitute about one half of the value of the order unless stated otherwise on the Customer Order Form. The Receipt section of the Order Form shows the following costs; HQ will allocate orders to Suppliers on the basis offair trading”. Our computer system is designed to nominate which member is due for the next order. Members can nominate another member to supply their order if they wish. If you are pre-allocating an order you must include the supplying member’s number clearly on the order form. You can also pre-allocate your orders using the petals-exchange. Once the Customer Order Form is completed and the delivery area checked, the order should be transmitted to HQ AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Avoid disappointed customers AND recipients through prompt transmission of orders. The order description must explain what the customer requires along with any special conditions (eg no carnations, particular colours etc). If they are selecting from our Gift Guide please include item code number eg B3 Simplicity – not price code BC1
Order Number is a single unique number of the Electronic Order in the Ticket System. It is the basis for receiving information about the Order.
Order Number. Order Number Specify the order number to search.
Order Number. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION SERVICE REVIEW AND MEETINGS Contract Data Part 1Data provided by the Employer