Examples of Personalized Learning Plan in a sentence
These assessments provide instructional guidance for teachers and Learning Coaches, help teachers to construct and implement the Personalized Learning Plan (PLP), and measure the student’s academic gains over the year.
In most cases this equipment would already be in place pre-pandemic and part of a student’s Personalized Learning Plan, Individualized Behaviour Support Plan and/or Health Support Plan (Policy 704– Health Support Services).
All devices should meet the minimum requirements to ensure learning is supported.If the student is already assigned a school-supplied laptop or tablet (as assistive technology) for their learning through a Personalized Learning Plan, this student does not need to bring an additional personal device.
Every child will have a Personalized Learning Plan (PLP), which not only includes goals, but also the action steps needed in order to reach those goals.
The portfolio will be used to document attainment of WBL course standards and learning objectives set in the student’s Personalized Learning Plan.
These courses require that students complete a Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) to set goals for their skill development (WBL General Policy #37).
Progress towards proficiency for the transferable skills will be tracked through the grading and reporting system and through a student’s required Personalized Learning Plan.
A Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) will be developed for each student at the beginning of the school year, based on data from the prior year (where available) as well as initial benchmark and formative assessments administered by LbD teachers at the start of the new school year.
A required Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) allows students to maximize the flexibility in their pathway to graduation.
As required in 16 V.S.A. § 941, schools shall ensure all students in grades seven through 12 shall have a Personalized Learning Plan, which shall be a written document developed by and for the student, with a representative of the school and, if the student is a minor, the student's parent or legal guardian.