Examples of PGS Group in a sentence
Any changes to the Manual and the PGS Group companies involved shall be recorded by the DPO and approved by the General Counsel.
These rights do not extend to elements of the Manual relating to internal implementation mechanisms within the PGS Group.This Manual is binding upon all companies and entities in the PGS Group, including its Controllers and the Processors, through the execution of a binding contract between them, and as being part of the governing management system in the PGS Group (“UniSea”).
In addition, the PGS Group operates vessels for offshore seismic acquisition worldwide.The PGS Group also has sales and operational offices and data processing centers in the following locations: Norway (Stavanger), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Australia (Perth), Japan (Tokyo), Egypt (Cairo), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), Angola (Luanda), Nigeria (Lagos), and Ghana (Accra).
If any local laws and regulations require higher protection than what follows from this Manual, the higher protection requirements shall prevail.Upon any PGS Group employee, Controller or Processor suspecting that applicable legislation prevents the fulfillment of the provisions of this Manual, or has substantial effect on the guarantees provided by this Manual, they shall communicate such to the DPO.
The current and updated version shall always be available for the PGS Group and its employees in UniSea.
An overview of the PGS Group companies that has employees or otherwise are involved in Processing of Personal Data is set forth in Section 18.The overview of legal structure of the PGS Group is updated on a routinely basis according to the PGS Group governance policies, and is inter alia available in the latest edition of the PGS Annual Report.
Off-farm processing under hired facilities away from the farm shall also be carried out as per the guiding principles of PGS-India for groups, provided the entire operation is carried out under the supervision of PGS Group.
MOTION to approve all administrators and supervisors to complete training on Ethics, Law, Governance, Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying during the 2015-2016 school year.
Prior to joining SeaBird, from 1995 to 2006 Mr. Holst served as Senior Legal Counsel with Petroleum Geo-Services ASA and its group of companies, and served a number of the PGS Group companies as a director.
For the purpose of this Clause 22, “Third Party” shall mean any member of PGS Group and/or Supplier Group.Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Purchase Order may be rescinded, amended, novated or varied by the Parties without notice to or the consent of any Third Party or such person.