PIE definition
Examples of PIE in a sentence
The amount of tax you pay in respect of a PIE is based on your prescribed investor rate (PIR).
A Student is a regularly registered, full- or part-time, undergraduate or graduate at the Institution, including students attending the Institution as “special status students”: e.g., as participants in Professional Institute for Educators (PIE), Continuing Education (CE), the Pre-College or Saturday programs, or in exchange programs or through special grants or fellowships.
Person-in-environment (P-I-E) teaches that client behavior “cannot be understood adequately without consideration of the various aspects of that individual’s environment (social, political, familial, temporal, spiritual, economic, and physical)” (Kondrat, 2011).
SPI does not have a Board of Directors, instead P.I.E has been appointed as the general manager of SPI.
The Constitution and PIE confirm that we are not islands unto ourselves.