Pipeline Contracts definition
Examples of Pipeline Contracts in a sentence
The shares of the CC Entity, certain other projects in progress referred to as the “Purchased Development Pipeline Assets” (which include the Purchased Intellectual Property and the Purchased Development Pipeline Contracts), the Purchased CC Contracts (which include contracts relating to the Counterfeit Cat production held by Applicants other than the CC Entity), the CC Receivables, the Assigned Receivables and the Equipment.
The Terminal Contracts and/or the Pipeline Contracts, as the context may require.
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The ‘classical notion’ that the High Court while exercising its power under Section 11 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (hereinafter for short ‘the Act’) must appoint the arbitrator as per the contract between the parties saw a significant erosion in ACE Pipeline Contracts (P) Ltd.
These revised or amended service agreements will be deemed null and void if this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 9, and, if necessary, Purchasers will reassign and Sellers will accept reassignment of the Canadian Pipeline Contracts.
Chairpersons are responsible for completing the Event/Activity Report Summary and submitting their Event (or Activity) Manuals to the Guild President within one month following their event or activity.
In this process the source material is contained in a tantalum pouch which is wrapped in a tungsten or tantalum filament, and resistively heated by passing a current through the filament [8].
On pro-forma basis, based on the audited account of FYE 2012 and the management’s intention to obtain RM8 million bank borrowing to finance the acquisition of Langkawi Land, the acquisition of Langkawi Land will increase the Group’s gearing ratio from 0.01% to 5.3%.
The “classical notion” that the High Court while exercising its power under Section 11 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (hereinafter for short “the Act”) must appoint the arbitrator as per the contract between the parties saw a significant erosion in ACE Pipeline Contracts (P) Ltd.
However, it is not that easy for management to succeed in this kind of obfuscation of information if the users are financially inclined and have a financial awareness.