Pit means a tract of land from which overburden has been or is being removed for the purpose of surface mining.
Pit means a tract of land, from which overburden, or coal, or commercial leonardite, or both,any combination of overburden, coal, or commercial leonardite has been or is being removed for the purpose of surface coal mining operations.
Pit means an earthen surface impoundment constructed to retain fluids and oil field wastes.
Examples of Pit in a sentence
Infiltration tests will be performed in accordance with 2010 Central Oregon Stormwater Manual, Appendix C - Test Pit Method.
KRHS 5 3.75% $ 1,552.00 Soccer, G V KRHS 14 9.38% $3,880.00 Drama - Pit Band Director KRHS 3 2.50% $ 1,035.00 Softball, JV KRHS 11 7.50% $3,104.00 Drama - Senior Play Dir.
More Definitions of Pit
Pit means any natural or man-made depression in the ground used for storage of liquids.
Pit means a tract of land from which overburden or minerals have been or are being removed in the process of surface mining;
Pit means the place where unconsolidated gravel, stone, sand, earth, clay, fill, mineral or other material has been, is being, or may be removed by means of an open excavation to supply material for construction, industrial or manufacturing purposes, but does not include a wayside pit. (By-law 87-67, S.5[c])
Pit means the area enclosed or encircled by the arrangement of the gaming tables in which casino gambling personnel administer and supervise the live games played at the tables by patrons located outside the perimeter of the area.
Pit means the performance of (i) each of the Fund Components or (ii) the Cash Component in the month "t". The performance of each of the Fund Components in the month "t" will be calculated according to the following formula: Pi,t =CU i,t-1×MFPFi,t-1× NAVi,t -NAVi,t-1 NAVi,t-1 The Cash Component will perform during the month t at One-Month USD LIBORt-1 if a positive cash balance applies while at One-Month USD LIBORt-1 plus a spread of up to 2% in the case of a negative cash balance.
Pit means a surface or sub-surface impoundment, man-made or natural depression or diked area on the surface. Excluded from this definition are berms constructed around tanks or other facilities solely for safety, secondary containment and storm water or run-on control.
Pit means any duly constituted opening, excavation or working of the surface or subsurface made for the purpose of removing sand or gravel, and includes any associated infrastructure, but does not include a mine or quarry;