Planned Programme definition
Examples of Planned Programme in a sentence
The Planned Programme will include a comprehensive statement of the dates on which the Owner Furnished Equipment are required to be delivered to the Shipyard.
This included the background to the re-launched PROP scheme, including the financial model and projections for the school buy-back and the financial position of the scheme in 2011/12 and 2012/13, split across the Reactive, Service Contracts and Planned Programme Pots.
Without prejudice to the Builder’s express rights under the other provisions of this Contract, no alterations to the Planned Programme shall delay completion of the Work or delivery of the Ship in accordance with this Contract, nor shall any such alterations accelerate the performance or change the tenor of any of the Buyer’s obligations under this Contract.
The 5 year Housing Capital Planned Programme 2006-2010, as approved at One Corby Policy Committee (18th July 2006) commences year 5 in April 2010.The main driver of the 5 year programme has been compliance with the Governments Decent Homes Legislation.
Dundee Rep Ensemble - re-establish the position of Associate Director and restore the Ensemble to 8 actors.Dundee Rep Theatre - Planned Programme 2009/2010The planned programme of work continues the process of balancing the needs of a diverse audience whilst broadening the range of artists with whom they collaborate, as well as, crucially, providing the artists at the Rep with on-going challenges and opportunities to develop.
MAIN REPORT2.1 INTRODUCTION2.1.1 An audit was carried out on the general governance, structures and procedures of the Dunbartonshire and Argyll & Bute Joint Valuation Board as part of Internal Audit’s Planned Programme of Audits.
Updates on the Highways Investment Programme, Street Lighting Planned Programme and Pothole Repair Programme appear in 1.1.3 above.
Page 71Strategic Outline Programme – Band B Update - July 2017 Key milestones for the Band B Programme Carmarthenshire County Council Department for Education and Children Strategic Outline Programme (SOP) 2017 Design Phase Planned Programme of Band B Investment Projects 2017Construction Phase High Level Programme 2017 OFFICIAL – SENSITIVEStrategic Outline Programme – Band B Update - July 2017 8.
Furthermore, the Cladding Programme has been developed through consultation with tenants who were involved in establishing the Bristol Homes Standard, together with the Planned Programme Service User’s Group who support the programme and this report.
Planned Programme Spend (Pillar Breakdown not Appropriate for the OTs) Overseas Territories2010/112011/122012/132013/142014/15TOTAL 1.Given UKG’s obligations towards to Overseas Territories, DFID might be asked to pay for costs which cannot be easily predicted.