Police Recruit definition
Examples of Police Recruit in a sentence
The Police Recruit position will be eligible for medical, dental, vision, flexible spending, life insurance, long-term disability, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS), employee assistance program (EAP), and deferred compensation.
A Police Officer in a probationary status, who fails probation, shall have no right to demotion to the status or position of Police Recruit, but shall not be precluded from reapplying for the position of Police Recruit.
Selections shall be according to seniority as determined by date of appointment as a Police Recruit.
Police Officer Candidates shall be paid a starting salary of seventy-five percent (75%) of the Step 1 salary range for Police Officer until successful completion of the Police Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) certified Police Recruit Academy.
For purposes of this Article, “date” or “day” of hire means the first day an employee performs work for pay as a full-time Police Officer or Police Recruit of the City of Forest Park Police Department.
Shift selection, whether under permanent, rotating or other conditions, in the positions of Police Officer and Police Specialist in the Cincinnati Police Department shall be according to seniority as determined by date of appointment as a Police Recruit.
It is recognized that a bargaining unit member hired as a Police Recruit will, upon successful completion of the probationary period, be more senior to a Police Officer hired after the Police Recruit.
A “Tier 2 retiree or employee” is a retiree or employee who is eligible for Tier 2 benefits because they were appointed to a regular sworn or Police Recruit position on or after July 1, 2012.
Due to this mandate, it is agreed for the classification of Police Recruit that participation in a version of the Supplemental Pension Savings Plan is mandatory until becoming sworn and being enrolled in City Retirement System.
Upon appointment to the position (except Police Recruit), employees shall accrue sick leave at the rate of 1.8462 hours per pay period or 48 hours per year (1.9615 hours per pay period or 51 hours per year for sergeants) for the first five years of creditable service.