Pooled Investment Vehicles definition

Pooled Investment Vehicles means open-end mutual funds that are FundServ eligible and exchange traded funds (“ETFs”). The parties to the Agreement may mutually agree upon additions to this definition, for example, closed-end funds or private investment funds, after developing and/or confirming any and all operational procedures and related resources necessitated by such additions to this definition.

Examples of Pooled Investment Vehicles in a sentence

  • Covered Funds and other Pooled Investment Vehicles A Covered Person is prohibited from short term trading in any Covered Fund (e.g., mutual fund, SICAV, OEIC, or other pooled investment vehicle, see Appendix E) held for less than 30 calendar days, or a longer time if specified in the Covered Fund’s prospectus or similar disclosure document.

  • Covered Funds and other Pooled Investment Vehicles: A Covered Person is prohibited from short term trading in any Covered Fund (e.g., mutual fund, SICAV, OEIC, or other pooled investment vehicle, see Appendix F-Covered Funds List) held for less than 30 calendar days, or a longer time if specified in the Covered Fund’s prospectus or similar disclosure document.

  • Ranger Private Pooled Investment Vehicles – Employees must fill out the applicable subscription documents and meet certain net worth and investment related sophistication hurdles in order to invest in a Ranger Private Pooled Investment Vehicle.

  • Portf olio Portfo lio Manage r(s) Registered Investment Companies Other Pooled Investment Vehicles Other Accounts SP Small Cap Value Peter Hable 21 Registered Investment Companies with $10.5 billion in total assets under management 2 Unregistered Pooled Investment Vehicles with $470 million in assets under management 99,565 Other Accounts with $13.85 billion in total assets under management B.

  • Wright: Other Registered Investment Companies Life Series Blue Chip Fund Other Pooled Investment Vehicles Life Series Value Fund Other Accounts Greg Miller: Other Registered Investment Companies Life Series High Yield Fund Other Pooled Investment Vehicles Life Series Special Bond Fund Other Accounts Richard T.

  • Assets invested in Pooled Investment Vehicles will be aggregated and charged at the incremental rate for the appropriate mandate.

  • Kennedy Registered Investment Companies ($MM) 9 ($14,332.48)* Other Pooled Investment Vehicles ($MM) 6 ($2,185.31)* Other Accounts ($MM) 15 ($2,795.47)* * As of December 31, 2005.

  • Bourke: Other Registered Investment Companies Life Series High Yield Fund Other Pooled Investment Vehicles Life Series Special Bond Fund Other Accounts Constance Unger: Assistant Portfolio Manager Other Registered Investment Companies Life Series Blue Chip Fund Other Pooled Investment Vehicles Other Accounts Wellington Management’s Portfolio Manager: Matthew E.

  • Covered Funds and other Pooled Investment Vehicles: A Covered Person is prohibited from short term trading in any Covered Fund (e.g., mutual fund, SICAV, OEIC, or other pooled investment vehicle, see Appendix F-Covered Funds List) held for less than 30 calendar days, or a longer time if specified in the Covered Fund's prospectus or similar disclosure document.

  • The Trust has revised the above-referenced disclosure to reconcile the inconsistency.Additional Information About Investment Strategies and Risks - Additional Information About Investment Strategies – Other Investment Companies and Pooled Investment Vehicles (p.

Related to Pooled Investment Vehicles

  • Investment Vehicles means any investment company or pooled investment fund, including, but not limited to, mutual fund families, exchange-traded funds, fund of funds and hedge funds, in which a Defendant has or may have a direct or indirect interest, or as to which its affiliates may act as an investment advisor, but of which a Defendant or its respective affiliates is not a majority owner or does not hold a majority beneficial interest.

  • Investment Vehicle means a corporation, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, association, or other entity, either domestic or foreign, managed by an external manager in which a board is the majority investor and that is organized in order to invest with, or retain the investment management services of, other external managers.

  • Approved Investment means any type of security, instrument, participation or interest in property, as set forth on Schedule I hereto (which may be amended from time to time by execution of a revised Schedule I, I-A or I-B) in which Cash Collateral may be invested or reinvested by Bank in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article IV hereof.

  • Controlled Investment Affiliate means, as to any Person, any other Person, which directly or indirectly is in control of, is controlled by, or is under common control with such Person and is organized by such Person (or any Person controlling such Person) primarily for making direct or indirect equity or debt investments in the Company and/or other companies.

  • Investment Assets means all debentures, notes and other evidences of Indebtedness, stocks, securities (including rights to purchase and securities convertible into or exchangeable for other securities), interests in joint ventures and general and limited partnerships, mortgage loans and other investment or portfolio assets owned of record or beneficially by the Company.

  • Authorized Investments means: any investment which may be authorized by the Commission but does not include restricted investments as specified in the Offering Documents from time to time.

  • covered investment means, with respect to a Party, an investment in its territory of an investor of the other Party in existence as of the date of entry into force of this Agreement or established, acquired or expanded thereafter and which has been admitted by the latter Party in accordance with its laws, regulations and policies;

  • Qualified Investments means any and all securities, obligations or accounts in which municipalities may invest their funds under applicable Maine law.

  • Permitted Investment means an Investment by the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary in:

  • Authorized Investment means any type of instrument, security, participation or other property in which Cash Collateral may be invested or reinvested, as described in Section 5(f) hereof and Appendix 4 hereto (and as such Appendix may be amended from time to time by written agreement of the parties).

  • Special Purpose Investment Personnel means each SEI Access Person who, in connection with his or her regular functions (including, where appropriate, attendance at Board meetings and other meetings at which the official business of a Trust or any Fund thereof is discussed or carried on), obtains contemporaneous information regarding the purchase or sale of a Security by a Fund. Special Purpose Investment Personnel shall occupy this status only with respect to those Securities as to which he or she obtains such contemporaneous information.

  • Investment Affiliate means any Person in which the Consolidated Group, directly or indirectly, has a ten percent (10%) or greater ownership interest, whose financial results are not consolidated under GAAP with the financial results of the Consolidated Group.

  • Pledged Investment Property means any investment property of any Grantor, and any distribution of property made on, in respect of or in exchange for the foregoing from time to time, other than any Pledged Stock or Pledged Debt Instruments.

  • Specified Investments means (a) direct obligations of the United States of America or obligations fully guaranteed by the United States of America; (b) commercial paper rated A-1/P-1 by S&P and Moody's, respectively or, if such ratings are unavailable, rated by any nationally recognized rating organization in the United States equal to the highest rating assigned by such rating organization; (c) investments in negotiable certificates of deposit, time deposits, banker's acceptances, commercial paper or other direct obligations of, or obligations guaranteed by, commercial banks organized under the laws of the United States or of any political subdivision thereof (or any U.S. branch of a foreign bank) with issuer ratings of at least B/C by Thomson Bankwatch, having maturities no later than 90 days following the date of such investment; (d) overnight federal funds transactions with members of the Federal Reserve System arranged by federal funds brokers; or (e) overnight repurchase agreements with respect to the securities described in clause (a) above entered into with an office of a bank or trust company which is located in the United States of America or any bank or trust company which is organized under the laws of the United States or any state thereof and has capital, surplus and undivided profits aggregating at least $500 million. SSB. State Street Bank and Trust Company of Connecticut, National Association, a national banking association or any successor Owner Trustee in its individual capacity.

  • Widely Held Fixed Investment Trust as that term is defined in Treasury Regulations section 1.671-5(b)(22) or successor provisions.

  • Qualified investment has the meaning set forth in Section 313.021(1) of the TEXAS TAX CODE, as interpreted by the Comptroller’s Rules.

  • Investment Accounts means the Collateral Account, Securities Accounts, Commodities Accounts and Deposit Accounts.

  • Mezzanine Investments means debt Securities (including convertible debt Securities (other than the “in-the-money” equity component thereof)) and Preferred Stock in each case (a) issued by public or private issuers, (b) issued without registration under the Securities Act, (c) not issued pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act (or any successor provision thereunder), (d) that are not Cash Equivalents and (e) contractually subordinated in right of payment to other debt of the same issuer.

  • Control Investment Affiliate as to any Person, any other Person that (a) directly or indirectly, is in control of, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such Person and (b) is organized by such Person primarily for the purpose of making equity or debt investments in one or more companies. For purposes of this definition, “control” of a Person means the power, directly or indirectly, to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of such Person whether by contract or otherwise.

  • Permitted Investments means:

  • Investments as defined in Section 7.8.

  • Alternative Investment Vehicle means an entity created in accordance with the Operative Documents of a Borrower to make investments and that has the right to call on Capital Commitments directly from Investors.

  • Investment Project means an investment in qualified buildings

  • Investment Fund has the same meaning as in National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure;

  • Investment pool means an entity created under the Texas Gov- ernment Code to invest public funds jointly on behalf of the entities that participate in the pool and whose investment objectives in or- der of priority are preservation and safety of principal, liquidity, and yield.

  • Non-Investment Personnel means any Employee that does not meet the definition of Investment Personnel as listed above.