Positive Imbalance definition

Positive Imbalance means an imbalance, whether Daily or Monthly, where the Company has received more gas, less Gas in Kind, on a Shipper's behalf than the Company has delivered to that Shipper. When expressed as a percentage, the imbalance is divided by gas received by the Company, less Gas in Kind, on the Shipper's behalf.
Positive Imbalance means when a Shipper’s Daily Imbalance is positive (when a Shipper’s Consumed Quantity of gas is less than the Confirmed Quantity of gas on a Day).
Positive Imbalance has the meaning given in Section E paragraph 2.5 of the IUK Access Code;

Examples of Positive Imbalance in a sentence

  • When Generation Facility Grid Delivered Energy minus Generation Facility Scheduled Energy is a positive amount, it shall be considered “Positive Imbalance Energy;” when Generation Facility Grid Delivered Energy minus Generation Facility Scheduled Energy is a negative amount, the absolute (i.e., positive) value of that amount shall be considered the “Negative Imbalance Energy.” Buyer shall receive all Green Attributes for the Positive Imbalance Energy in all settlement intervals.

  • Except as otherwise set forth below or elsewhere in this Agreement, Buyer shall be responsible for CAISO costs (including penalties and other charges (including Negative Imbalance Energy costs or revenues)) and receive all CAISO revenues (including credits and other payments (including Positive Imbalance Energy revenues or costs)) incurred as a result of providing Scheduling Coordinator services, including costs and revenues associated with CAISO dispatches.

More Definitions of Positive Imbalance

Positive Imbalance means in respect of a Gas Flow Day, where Shipper’s Aggregate NI Entry Allocation is greater than its’ Aggregate NI Exit Allocation on a Gas Flow Day D;
Positive Imbalance shall have the meaning set forth for such term in Article IV.
Positive Imbalance has the meaning given in Section E paragraph 2.5 of the IUK Access Code; “Positive Imbalance Daily Gas Price” means the price (p/kWh) calculated as the higher of:
Positive Imbalance has the meaning set forth in Section 2.4 of this Exhibit “A.”
Positive Imbalance is the volume by which Processing Customer’s Residue Gas exceeds the confirmed nominated pipeline Residue Gas volume disposed of by Processing Customer or the authorized agent of Processing Customer. A “Negative Imbalance” is the volume by which Processing Customer’s Residue Gas is less than the confirmed nominated pipeline Residue Gas volume disposed of by Processing Customer or the authorized agent of Processing Customer. AUM and Processing Customer shall work to minimize any imbalance and agree to exchange pertinent information in writing in good faith in an attempt to minimize the imbalance. As soon as practicable AUM shall provide Processing Customer written notice that Processing Customer has a condition of imbalance during any Accounting Period, and Processing Customer shall take immediate corrective action to conform Processing Customer’s nominations to Processing Customer’s physical flows adjusted for relief of existing imbalance, if requested by AUM. Imbalance adjustments may be limited by the downstream pipeline’s acceptance of such adjustments.
Positive Imbalance means, respectively as to each Property Subdivision to which the Subject Interests are attributable and without duplication, the sum (expressed in MMBtus) of (i) the aggregate make-up, prepaid or other volumes of natural gas that Seller was entitled as of the Effective Time, on account of prepayment, advance payment, take-or-pay, gas balancing or similar obligations, to receive from the Hydrocarbon Interests (other than the Subject Interests) attributable to such Property Subdivision after the Effective Time and (ii) the aggregate pipeline or processing plant imbalances or underdeliveries for which Seller is entitled to receive natural gas or cash from any pipeline, gatherer, transporter, processor, co-owner or purchaser in connection with any natural gas attributable to the Subject Interests.
Positive Imbalance means the occurrence of the event where the shipping licensee off-takes less quantity of gas that what is injects in the transmission pipeline during a Day;