Post-closure means the period after the closure of a storage site, including the period after the transfer of responsibility to the competent authority;
Post-closure means the requirements placed upon solid waste disposal facilities after closure to ensure environmental and public health safety for a specified number of years after closure.
Post-closure means the requirements placed upon disposal facilities after closure to ensure their environmental safety for at least a twenty-year period or until the site becomes stabilized (i.e., little or no settlement, gas production, or leachate generation).
More Definitions of Post-closure
Post-closure means the monitoring and maintenance activities required after final closure of a solid waste land disposal facility.
Post-closure means the requirements placed upon disposal fa- cilities (e.g., landfills, impoundments closed as disposal facilities, etc.) after closure to ensure their environmental safety for a number of years after closure. (See also "closure.")
Post-closure means that period of time following closure during which a hazardous waste facility is required to be monitored and maintained under this chapter and rules adopted under it, including, without limitation, operation and maintenance of methane gas extraction and treatment systems, or the period of time after closure during which a scrap tire monocell or monofill facility licensed under section 3734.81 of the Revised Code is required to be monitored and maintained under this chapter and rules adopted under it.
Post-closure means the period after a closure certificate is issued in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act;
Post-closure means those actions taken by an owner or operator of a facility or MSWLF unit after closure.
Post-closure means the requirements placed upon dis- posal facilities (e.g., landfills, impoundments closed as dis- posal facilities, etc.) after closure to ensure their environmen- tal safety for a number of years after closure. (See also "clo- sure.")
Post-closure means a procedure approved by the Division to provide for long- term financial assurance, monitoring and maintenance of a solid waste disposal facility to protect human health and the environment.