Examples of Postconsumer recycled material in a sentence
Postconsumer recycled material does not include materials and byproducts generated from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing and fabrication process.
Examples include:- Biodegradable material- Reusable material- Compostable material- Post-consumer recycled material- Other (please describe) Total conformance (5): 80% or more of consumer product packaging purchased by the organization fits one or more of the criteria above.
Assessment of Mass Balance Accounting Methods for Polymers • Post- Consumer versus Post- Industrial Recycled Material: Post-consumer recycled material refers to any material or finished product that has served its intended use and has been diverted or recovered from waste destined for disposal [69].
Post-consumer recycled material: This is material recycled from post-consumption material, which has been collected from packaging manufacturers at the distribution stage or at the consumer stage.
The label is intended to be used on all types of packaging and to provide instruction regarding how and where various raw materials can be recycled.http://www.how2recycle.info/ Definitions Post-consumer recycled material: "Material generated by households or by commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities in their role as end‐users of the product that can no longer be used for its intended purpose.
Post-consumer recycled material must meet PEFC's requirements for chemical and non-chemical contamination.