Construction activity means any clearing, grading or excavation associated with large construction activity or associated with small construction activity.
Construction Activities means the disturbance of soils associated with clearing, grading, excavation activities or other construction-related activities.
Preconstruction services means services and other activities during the design phase.
Reconstruction means the replacement of components of an existing facility to such an extent that:
Construction Period means the period commencing from the Appointed Date and ending on the date of the Completion Certificate;
Construction Work means any work in connection with⎯
Construction Plant means appliances, machinery with necessary supply to up keep and maintenance of the works or temporary works but dose not include materials or other things intended to form part of the permanent work.
Demolition means the wrecking or taking out of any load-supporting structural member of a facility together with any related handling operations or the intentional burning of any facility.
Construction Works means all works and things necessary to complete the Project in accordance with this Agreement;
Renovation means rehabilitation that involves costs of 75 percent or less of the value of the building before rehabilitation.
Cost of Capital Improvement Projects means the costs of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, expanding, improving and engineering Capital Improvement Projects, and related financing costs.
Erection, construction, remodeling, repairing means all types of work done on a particular building or work at the site thereof in the construction or development of the project, including without limitation, erecting, construction, remodeling, repairing, altering, painting, and decorating, the transporting of materials and supplies to or from the building or work done by the employees of the Contractor, Subcontractor, or Agent thereof, and the manufacturing or furnishing of
demolition work means a method to dismantle, wreck, break, pull down or knock down of a structure or part thereof by way of manual labour, machinery, or the use of explosives;
Land disturbing construction activity means any man-made alteration of the land surface resulting in a change in the topography or existing vegetative or non-vegetative soil cover, that may result in runoff and lead to an increase in soil erosion and movement of sediment into waters of the state. Land disturbing construction activity includes clearing and grubbing, demolition, excavating, pit trench dewatering, filling and grading activities.
Construction project means the same as that term is defined in Section 38-1a-102.
Construction Services means either of the following for construction-manager-at-risk, design-build and job-order-contracting project delivery methods:
Project Work means the work required to complete the Project.
Construction and Demolition Debris means and includes:
Installation Work means the construction and installation of the System and the Start-up, testing and acceptance (but not the operation and maintenance) thereof; all performed by or for the Power Producer at the Premises.
Construction Change Directive means a written order prepared by Owner Parties and signed by Owner directing Contractor to perform a change in the Work prior to agreeing to a change, if any, to the Contract Time, schedule of performance of the Work, Contract Sum, or Contractor’s compensation.
construction site means a workplace where construction work is being performed;
Substantial improvement means any combination of repairs, reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of a structure, taking place during any one-year period for which the cost equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the “start of construction” of the improvement. This term includes structures which have incurred “substantial damage”, regardless of the actual repair work performed. The term does not, however, include either:
Construction-in-Process means cash expenditures for land and improvements (including indirect costs internally allocated and development costs) determined in accordance with GAAP for all Properties that are under development or will commence development within twelve months from any date of determination.
construction work permit means a document issued in terms of regulation 3; "contractor" means an employer who performs construction work;
Tenant Improvement Work means the construction of the Tenant Improvements, together with any related work (including demolition) that is necessary to construct the Tenant Improvements.
Project Application means the federal Section 5311 operating assistance project application submitted by the Municipal Corporation to, and as approved by the Commissioner for the Project described in Appendix C of this Agreement, including all project supporting information submitted therewith;