Examples of Preparation Charges in a sentence
Legal and Preparation Charges are contained in a schedule of fees agreed by the Council's Cabinet on an annual basis and available on the Council's website or from Camden Legal Services upon request.
All Legal and Preparation Charges will be payable prior to or at the time that a Section 106 agreement is completed.
It is recommended that the R.O.C. and the area management negotiate specific equipment rental rates and/or other charges for labour and use of facilities which may be required, refer to Race Course Preparation Charges below.
Maximum Termination Liability will apply in addition to Case Preparation Charges, and any recurring charges associated with the Special Construction.
AT&T-22STATE has begun preparation of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Space and Dedicated Space, but before AT&T-22STATE has been paid the entire amounts due under this Attachment, then in addition to other remedies that AT&T-22STATE might have, the Collocator shall be liable in the amount equal to the non-recoverable costs less estimated net salvage, the total of which is not to exceed the Preparation Charges.
Allocation of Preparation Charges shall occur only upon the initial delivery of New Shared Collocation and SBC-13STATE shall not be required to adjust such allocation if another Resident Collocator subsequently shares such space.
Allocation of Preparation Charges shall occur only upon the initial delivery of New Shared Collocation and the Company shall not be required to adjust such allocation if another Resident Collocator subsequently shares such space.
In the event that the Collocator cancels its order after SWBT has begun preparation of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Space and Dedicated Space, but before SWBT has been paid the entire amounts due under this tariff, then in addition to other remedies that SWBT might have, the Collocator shall be liable in the amount equal to the nonrecoverable costs less estimated net salvage, the total of which is not to exceed the Preparation Charges.
Elkinson also submits that the complaint that the Respondent had already given disclosure to the ITA, if in fact that were to be the case, there is nothing which offends the 2005 Act by requesting this information pursuant to the TIEA.
I wanted there to be no doubt in his mind what he was looking at.